Swinging For Autism Challenge Going Strong ! (w/video's)
10 Outlaw team members, over 500 swings each tonight, we are well over half way to 10,000 swings, supporting Autism means the world to my team.
Wow What A Year, 2015 Was Epic, Looking Back, No Regrets !
2015 was a spectacular year for me, see my journey here, it is going to be tough to beat but 2016 also spells Victory !
Two New Outlaw Certified Kettlebell Instructors !
These two Athlete's and leaders are ready to Live, Learn and Pass On their Kettlebell and fitness knowledge, Congratulations Bethany and Shannon Lewis on your Certification !
Today our powerlifting crew hit squats 5x1 against 60-65% of their 1RM and against heavy and mini bands. After that they hit zercher harness good mornings, leg curls, strap lunges, heavy sled pulls then abs. Everyone is progressing very well. I am hoping our top female lifter gets everything squared away and comes to the […]