What worked, how it worked, and did I reach my goals...
Vacation and more weight loss
Vacation and more weight loss
OK, not my manliest post, but I'll get back to the training real soon. Maybe even throw on some real gear.
Sunday Heavy Bench
Sunday Heavy Bench
Today is usually my squat day, but I wasn't feeling great after squatting Thursday so I chose to give myself another day's rest. Fortunately my bench felt great.
Final Week of this Squat Wave / Considering Increased Total Workload During Training (Video)
Final Week of this Squat Wave / Considering Increased Total Workload Dur...
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk 3 - Cambered Bar + 6 Chains, 440/470/490 - 7 Weeks Out from XPC Finals.
Week 7 / Day 1 - Squat Training for XPC Finals with Video
Week 7 / Day 1 - Squat Training for XPC Finals with Video
Week 7 attempt at squatting in full gear...video included.
January 5, 2016
January 5, 2016
Something that has been weighting on me that I haven't yet shared
January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
Headed to the compound later in the afternoon today. As for my training my thoughts are about a June meet.
Deathlifts: Metal Single Ply M Breifs
Deathlifts: Metal Single Ply M Breifs
Worked up to my last warm up in just briefs for two singles
Hammering my triceps while my shoulder is out of commission
Cardio and Back/Bi's
Cardio and Back/Bi's
Boring but necessary
ME Squats: Fully loaded
ME Squats: Fully loaded
Gym Pr 1030lb Squat with Video
Heavy Squats
Heavy Squats
Not going to lie: Casey and I look jacked in my training video.
Active recovery upper
Active recovery upper
Bloodflow and cardio
ME Lower: Busting Out The Knee Wraps (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: Busting Out The Knee Wraps (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 1 - 1.16.16
DE Upper: Speedy Bench, Close Grip PR, and More Back (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Speedy Bench, Close Grip PR, and More Back (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 4 - 1.14.16
Extra Lower Body Work
Extra Lower Body Work
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Mini Session 2 - 1.13.16
DE Lower: Speed Squats and Deficit Sumo Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats and Deficit Sumo Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 3 - 1.12.16

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