AUGUST 15-20
MON TTF LOWER WARM UP ECHO BIKE. 6min. Leg ext 3x5 Leg Curls 3x5 Abduction/Adduction 3x8 Stretch TUES TTF UPPER WARM UP DB MIL (sit) 3x5 DB CURL 3x5 PLANK. Held as long as i could until i felt chest. THURS TTF LOWER WARM UP Goblit Box Squat 5lbs 3x5 BW lunge walk 3x3 Ab […]
Training Aug 8th-13th
Mon TTF LOWER WARM UP Leg Press (no weight) 3x5 Leg Curl 3x5 10lbs Recumbent Bike 5min Stretch TUES TTF UPPER WARM UP FreeMotion Chest 3x5 10lbs FreeMotion Pull down 3x5 10lbs Ab machine 3x5 Stretch THURS TTF LOWER WARM UP Box Squat (BW) 3x6 Assist rev lunge 3x6 AB machine 3x6 Friday TTF UPPER […]
Aug 1-6th
Monday Leg ext 4x5 Leg Curls 4x5 Abduction/Adduction 4x5 Ab Crunch Machine 4x5 Tues TTF UPPER BODY Press machine 4x5 Pulldown machine 4x5 Curl Machine 4x5 Echo Bike 5min Thurs TTF LOWER WARM UP Box Squat BW 4x5 Assisted Lunge Walk BW 3x5 each leg Ab Machine 4x5 FRIDAY TTF UPPER WARM UP DB mil […]
JULY 25th-30th
Mon TTF LOWER WARM UP BW squats. took the box away and did BW, wasnt pretty. Leg ext 3x6 10lbs Leg curls 3x6 10lbs Ab Machine 3x6 10lbs TUES TTF UPPER WARM UP Echo Bike. Tried to go little faster for 5min. Breathing was rough. DB Incline BP 3x6 10lbs DB Fly 10lbs 3x6. (rough […]
Monday BW box squats 3x6 Leg ext 3x6 Leg Curl 3x6 Stretch Tues TTF upper warm up Freemotion BP 3x6 Freemotion Pull 3x6 Curl Machine 3x6 Stretch Thurs TTF lower warm up Leg Press 10lbs 3x6 Calve Machine 3x6 Ab machine 3x6 Friday TTF UPPER WARM UP DB mil 3x6 10lb dB hammer curls 3x6 […]
Training July 11-16th
Mon TTF LOWER WARM UP Recumbent Bike 5min leg ext 3x5 Leg Curl 3x5 ab machine 3x5 TUES TTF UPPER WARM UP Chest press machine 3x5 Pulldowns 3x5 Curl Machine 3x5. stretch THURS TTF LOWER WARM UP Leg Press. plan was to do 3x5, but hurt too much from the pressure to the chest. only […]
Mon- TTF LOWER WARM UP Echo Bike 5min. was really out of breathe. Leg ext 3x5 Leg Curl 3x5 Ab Machine 3x5. TUES-TTF UPPER WARM UP TKE x 5 Pulled 10lb sled till was out of breathe. Chest machine 3x5 Pull machine 3x5 stretch THURS-TTF LOWER BW box squat. 3x5 working on form Assisted Rev […]
JUNE 22nd-JULY 2nd
Mon: TTW LOWER WARM BW box squats 3x5 Leg Curl 3x5 EchoBike 5min Stretch TUES:TTF UPPER WARM UP FreeMotion Bench Machine 3x5 10lbs FreeMotion Shoulder 3x5 10lbs Ab Machine 3x5 10lbs Stretch THURS:TTF LOWER WARM UP Walk on treadmill 5min Leg Ext 3x5 10lb Abduction/Adduction 3x5 10lbs Stretch FRI:TTF UPPER WARM UP DB curls 3x5 […]
June 20-25th
Mon: TTF LOWER WARM UP Echo Bike 5min, slow as a turtle Leg Ext 3x5 light Leg Curls 3x5 light BW Calf raises 1x20 TUES:TTF UPPER WARM UP DB mil 3x5 10lbs DB Curls 3x5 10lbs Push Ups. tried to get full ROM but chest dit not allow. 6reps and stopped Ab Machine 1x15 10lbs […]
JUNE 13th-JUNE 18th
Mon. Echo Bike. 5min. Tried to go as fast as i could. breathing stinks. Rev Lunges. 3x5 (held straps for balance) BW Box Squat 3x5 Ab machine. 3x5 Tues. TTF Upper Body warm up. DB bench press 3x5 10lbs DB curls 3x5 10lbs stretch Thurs Walked on treadmill 3min. Ab Machine 3x5 BW Wall sit […]
June 6th-June 11th
Monday. TTF lower warm up. Wanted to do some weighted front squats today. Could only do a Bodybar. 3x5. BW lunges 3x5. Echo Bike 5min. Tuesday. TTF UPPER BODY WARM UP. Foind a way to do push up with out too much pain. Did them with hands on a box. Not too terrible. 3x5 Ab […]
First week of June 2022
Monday TTF LOWER WARM UP. Treadmill 6min. Walked as fast as i could safely. BW box squats 3x8 reps BW walking lunges. wanted 3x8 but coupd only do a few legs too weak. stretch TUESDAY TTF UPPER WARM UP Push-ups. Goal was to do 10 perfect push ups. lol could not do 1, sternum hurts […]
May 23rd-28th
Mon. The jacobs ladder was fixed over the weekend so decided to give it a whirl as a warm up=didnt go so good lmao. Struggle city, tried to stay on for 10min, made it about 40sec couldnt breathe. After that did TTF upper body warm up DB Incline BP. 10lbs 1x20 DB Low Rowz 10lbs […]
MAY 16th-21st
Mon. Bodyweight Box Squats. Trying to slowly be able to squat again aka learning to squat. DB waking lunge. 3x4 with 5lbs Crunch Machine 3x8 BW TUES TTF upper warm up Push ups (kneeling). Attempted push ups, didnt go so well had to do on knees like a wimp. chest felt bad DB curls 10lbs […]
Monday May 9th-14th
TTF Lower body warm up Globlit squats 12lbs 3x5 Echo Bike 5 min stretch Felt very fatigued today Tuesday TTF Upper warm up DB bench press 3x5 12lbs Band pull aparts 3x6 mini band DB curls 12lbs 3x5 Thurs Walked inside on the turf as it is HOT!!! Fri TTF Lower warm up BW lunges […]
Training May 2nd-7th
Monday TTF Lower body warm up Globlit squats 10lbs 3x5 Echo Bike 6min stretch Tuesday TTF Upper warm up DB bench press 3x5 10lbs Band pull aparts 3x8 mini band DB curls 10lbs 3x5 Thurs Stretched alot. Did not lift, was not feeling well. Fri TTF Lower warm up Attempted to do BW lunges and […]
<a href="">APRIL 25t...
MONDAY Wasnt feeling great so did the echo bike for 5min then stretched. Tuesday TKE x 10 each leg Pistol Box Squat 5reps AbCore 15reps Stretch. Still not feeling the best. Ready to feel normal soon. Wednesday TTF upper body warm up Hammer Strength Press 4x5 reps DB curls 10lbs 4x5 Sit ups. Attempted to […]
Echo Bike 6min. Did 1:84 of a mile TTF Lower Warm up. Belt squat 5x4 w/25lbs BW lunge walk 5x4 Ab machine light 5x4 stretch Tues Walked on treadmill for 6min. Wasnt terrible. TTF upper warm up DB bench 10lbs 5x4 Lat Pull down 5x4 DB curls 5x4 stretch Thursday TTF lower warm up Echo […]
Training and Groups April 4th-9th
Mon Echo Bike 6min. Did 1:84 of a mile TTF Lower Warm up. Belt squat 5x5 w/25lbs BW lunge walk 5x5 Ab machine light 5x5 stretch Tues Walked on treadmill for 6min. Wasnt terrible. TTF upper warm up DB bench 10lbs 5x5 Lat Pull down 5x5 30lb DB curls 10lbs 5x5 stretch Thursday TTF lower […]
March 24th-26th
March 24th Safety bar squats. 3x6. Bar still tough breathing wise. Legs jello. Step-Ups. 3x5 each Leg. BW again DB RDL. 3x6. 20lbs all sets not terrible FRONT PLANK. 2sets @25sec Echo Bike. 6min. 1.50mile. Still TOUGH March 25 Treadmill. 6min total. Walked on the new treadmills felt good. 3.5MPH 5min. Then 4.0MPH for last min. Tired BB bench press. 3x6. […]