Tuesday max effort bench
Tuesday max effort bench
Missed a weight I could have hit, but came back and hit ten pounds under it very easily. It's all about the eccentric.
30 Day, 10 K Kettlebell Swing Challenge For Autism!
30 Day, 10 K Kettlebell Swing Challenge For Autism!
Join Team Outlaws, here are some Outlaw workouts to get to your 10,0000 swings in 30 days or get your 30 day template by signing up today.
Setting Abs Correctly During Heavy (and light) Lifts / SSB Dead Start Good Mornings (Video)
Setting Abs Correctly During Heavy (and light) Lifts / SSB Dead Start Go...
Max Effort Dead Start SSB Good Mornings - 9 Weeks Out from XPC Finals
Shoulder & Back Improvements / FatGripz Floor Press PR (Video)
Shoulder & Back Improvements / FatGripz Floor Press PR (Video)
Max Effort FatGripz Floor Press - 9 Weeks Out from XPC Finals
Bench with the "Manpon"
Bench with the "Manpon"
First day training at the compound and meet plans. Until then, I will keep training hard and act like I know what I'm doing.
Week 1 Day 2 - New Training Cycle - Deadlifts....
Week 1 Day 2 - New Training Cycle - Deadlifts....
I'm excited about pulling?....
Training [W7:D1, D2]
Training [W7:D1, D2]
Week 7 of High Frequency Training
13 weeks out, incline bench day. Every session is a learning experience.
Wave 3 - Deadlift
Wave 3 - Deadlift
Just because I was about to be floored for a week by the flu doesn't mean I can't still hit a PR
2 Months Post Shoulder Surgery, Pain Sucks!
2 Months Post Shoulder Surgery, Pain Sucks!
New Physiotherapist today, starting from scratch, pain and limitations are cramping my style.
Week 9 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory
Week 9 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory
Week 9 Upper accessory work
It might take longer to click on this than read it
Speed Bench. Video.
Speed Bench. Video.
Becoming strongHer.
Shoulder shit show, but a fun night
Shoulder shit show, but a fun night
Not a bad sesh for a shoulder sissy
My plan for January.
My plan for January.
Simple and effective.
Some New Years PRs!
Some New Years PRs!
All things considered, This really started the new year off right.
Back & Bi's
Back & Bi's
I deviated a bit via heavier than normal dumbbell rows and was rewarded with some serious back soreness the next day!
Event Day - Farmers & Yoke Walk
Event Day - Farmers & Yoke Walk
First full event day since last summer.
Investing in Loss... The Squat
Investing in Loss... The Squat
Growth comes at the point of resistance-- learning how "loss" is sometimes necessary to ultimately win.

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