Sheri's Top 20 Training/Education Logs From 2015 !
Out of 193 Logs, these are my favourite, readers favourite and definately worth repeating, see what you missed, read here.
More deload work, conditioning, recovery, and motivation. Life is good.
Stuff that works (for me at least) Training [W6:D3]
Finally starting to adapt to training, numbers starting to look normal again!
Dynamic Bench
A little bit of powerlifting, a little bit of bodybuilding. That's how you get jacked.
Week 9 / Day 1 - Squat Training for XPC Finals with Video
Week 9 / Day 1 squat training for xpc finals with video. briefs and suit bottoms.
Sunday squats/pulls 9 weeks out XPC Finals
I'm battling a sinus/ear infection so today wiped me out but I'm happy with what I did based off of how I was feeling going into training.
Squat Technique Adjustments / Solid First Day of New Speed Wave (Video)
Dynamic Effort Lower - Cambered Bar w/ Chains: 4 plates + 6 chains (wk1)
Identifying Some Structural Issues / Consulting Smart(er) People
Taking some more serious steps to address some recurring injuries.
Clean Out The Pantry, Take Away The Temptations!
It's not what you eat between Christmas and New Years, It's what you eat between New Years & Christmas that really counts.
Training Week 5
Heavy Bench Training here Tuesday Squats barx10 95x5 135x4 175x3 205x1 225x1 245x1x7 Leg press 3x12 leg ext 3x12 GHR3X10 Thursday Incline barbell bench 130x5x4 band pull aparts Rotator cuff cleans 3x15, Friday Deadlift 135x5x2 185x3 225x1x7sets GSDLS 4x6 GHR 5X10 Paused bench 175x5x3sets,
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip PR, Back Work (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 4 - 12.31.15