High Volume Chest and Shoulder Training
High Volume Chest and Shoulder Training
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 10, Day 2 - 7.6.19
07.10.19 unilateral and core work
07.10.19 unilateral and core work
balance is very important
Training at EliteFTS - Day One - Deadlifts
Training at EliteFTS - Day One - Deadlifts
Operation get your head out of your ass
Leg Training with Sets of 30 on the Belt Squat
Leg Training with Sets of 30 on the Belt Squat
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 10, Day 1 - 7.5.19
July 4th Arm Training
July 4th Arm Training
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 9, Day 5 - 7.4.19
all it took was one less set and five more reps, who would have thought, kind of a "duh" moment though.
Feeling Like Crap?  Let's Do an Extra Training Day!
Feeling Like Crap? Let's Do an Extra Training Day!
Probably not smart, but definitely fun
The Most Simple, Yet Hard Leg Workout
The Most Simple, Yet Hard Leg Workout
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 9, Day 4 - 7.2.19
Back and Ab Training
Back and Ab Training
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 9, Day 3 - 7.1.19
Chest and Shoulder Training
Chest and Shoulder Training
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 9, Day 2 - 6.29.19
Wrapping up the deload
Wrapping up the deload
I recently lifted in the 2019 USPA National Championships where I totaled 1767 in wraps at 198 via a 655 squat, 451 bench and 661 deadlift. Next up is an off-season and picking a meet.  Last couple of deload sessions prior to starting an actual off-season block. Day 3 1. Bench - Sets of 5 up to […]
Early Events in Horrible Heat
Early Events in Horrible Heat
Awesome alliteration < terrible training
Training Partners vs. People You Train With
Training Partners vs. People You Train With
Are you cueing your training partners correctly? Helping them find their weaknesses? How everyone, even beginner lifters, can be an asset to your group.
ME Top & Bottom. The Good: Friends! The Bad: Missing Lifts! The Ugly: Missing Lifts on a Spider Bar!
ME Top & Bottom. The Good: Friends! The Bad: Missing Lifts! The Ugly...
Like that Aerosmith song "Do Want to Miss Everything". Right? RIGHT??!!!
Fourth o' July DE Upper and Lower
Fourth o' July DE Upper and Lower
Including 1 new good morning variation, 1 quote from The Room, and 1 pair of tickets to see Alice Cooper that I got at a parade. Thanks, America.
Weekend training 07.06 and 07.07.19
Weekend training 07.06 and 07.07.19
Squats and pulls with Dave
GPP Wk2 Day2: NOW I should be ready to go, right?
GPP Wk2 Day2: NOW I should be ready to go, right?
Surely one should be able to recover after 1 week of this lightweight high repetition stuff .....
End of Training Block and Barely Hanging On
End of Training Block and Barely Hanging On
Feeling like the clown in the unitard

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