MONDAY - INCLINE BENCH. Kept it short and sweet as I was training a day earlier and will be moving up bench day for Christmas.
Outlaws Phase 5 Kettlebell Challenge Complete ! (w/video's)
Merry 25 Days of Christmas to you all, we successfully completed our challenge, did you ?
USS Hope for the Holiday's Write-Up - Log National Record and Deadl...
I ended up going up and doing what I planned to do. Set the log national record and pull a deadlift PR. Even though neither lift was as heavy as I had hoped, all in all I had a good time and it was for a good cause.
Today our Powerlifting squad hit deficit deadlifts, good mornings, and some other lower body based movements. Everyone did well. Received news that one of our lifters Chels is sitting out of the Arnold due to injuries and personal matters. Wish her the best to get back at it. I have my cardiologist meeting tomorrow with […]
Max Effort Bench in Catapult: Up to 450x1 (PR) (Video)
Nothing motivates you to get a lift like having no spotter!
Legs, Abs, More Legs, More Abs !
After getting rid of the DOMS from my first crazy day back this session was alot easier.