Week 12 / Day 3 - Deadlift training with video
Week 12 / Day 3 - Deadlift training with video
Week 12 Deadlift Training vs. Average Bands and Chains with Video
Training Week 2
Training Week 2
Still working away at my weak points
Not goodbye but see you soon
Not goodbye but see you soon
Farewell and see you soon hugs xoxo
The Importance Of A Team!
The Importance Of A Team!
Being part of a team is more than just coaching or training together, they become family and the Outlaws are just that, Family.
Bench (kind of)
Bench (kind of)
Hardcore, I know, but I'll be back to some real upper body work next week
Plan for weeks 1-3 of Arnold prep
Plan for weeks 1-3 of Arnold prep
A little hypertrophy. A little volume. Some gainz.
Tuesday bench
Tuesday bench
First bench session of the 12 week Arnold prep
Bench volume. Video.
Bench volume. Video.
Keep on swimming... swimming... swimming.
Upper Fluff and Buff with Grip
Upper Fluff and Buff with Grip
Off Season 5; Wk 7, Mini Session 1 - 12.14.15
Back Under the Bar!
Back Under the Bar!
Also, I still hate the SS bar.
#5thset Bench Micro 2 Meso 1
#5thset Bench Micro 2 Meso 1
I'm pretty sure that is the terminology.
Florida's Strongest Man - Video Blog
Florida's Strongest Man - Video Blog
Got what I came for and ready to give it my all come Nationals. Until then, powerlifting meet in the works.
I have been avoiding this post
I have been avoiding this post
Because I sucked.
Wave 2 - SQ
Wave 2 - SQ
Sometimes less is more, but less is always better than none
Bench and Tri's
Bench and Tri's
Getting better every day
Monday Night GPP
Monday Night GPP
Get'n my wind
Posterior chain night
Posterior chain night
DL slippers are great.

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