2 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Seated Axle Press &...
I'm currently training for USS "Hope for the Holidays" strongman competition that'll be in St. Louis on December 19th. I'll be competing in the max log clean & press and max deadlift events. I'm also still focusing on adding some size, but strength is my main emphasis. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming. […]
OHP/Gripper Holds - Sharing The Kool Aid
The door was left wide open for another one of my awesome Wattles Mother Lectures....These are my favorite things in the world....
Today our powerlifting squad hit a fluff and puff upper body workout. Just trying to work on some weak spots and get blood flow. All reps were are 10. Was happy with everyone's deads mon. For myself I have started to feel better early in the day and not as bad as the day progresses. […]
Need A Christmas Gift For Someone? Look No Further!
Have a fitness addict on your list but don't know what to buy? Here is my must have for everyone.
Outlaws Round 2 Christmas Kettlebell Challenge ! (w/video's)
Round 2 and we are picking up the pace, how is your challenge going ?
Max Effort SSB Pin Good Mornings up to 440lbs & SSB Raw Squat Reps (...
Takes a few seconds to break the pins, but these are a great movement to work on straining through a lift.