12/3 - Double Overhand Axle DL
I am realizing that this last session of the week is the most difficult one to get in, yet it is also one of the most important ones since a 300 lb double overhand axle deadlift is my #1 priority by the end of next month. That makes me really nervous to think about. Shoot, I am running out of
12/1 - OHP & Gripper Holds
Building, building, building..... After some distractions that forced me away from my training, I am so pleased to be back to the gym and focusing on rebuilding and shattering some very specific grip goals in late January 2016. I am eager to rebuild and continue moving forward with competing, being a business owner and enjoying […]
Week 13 / Day 1 - Squat Training with Video
Week 13 Squat training for the XPC Finals...video included.
Speed SQ/DL Wk2: 10x2 on SSB Box Squats up to 420lbs & 10x1 Speed Pu...
Speed and Hip Strength needs improved, but we're moving in the right direction..
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Runner's have the "runner's high," but strongmen and women get the "strongman low"
1 Month Post Shoulder Surgery Update!
Physiotherapy is going well, way ahead of the healing process already!
Dec 5th, 2nd Stage Of The Christmas Kettlebell Challenge!
Stage two of your progressions, how is you Kettlebell Christmas Challenge going? Team Outlaws are Kranking it !
ME Upper: Benching Against Doubled Monster Mini Bands (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 5; Wk 5, Day 2 - 11.29.15
Wave 1 - Upper Assistance I
Ending my week with my easiest training day going into event training is the way to go