The Anvil, The Fire, and The Hammer
The Anvil, the Fire, and the Hammer were used to shape some of the most finely crafted tools (and most effective weapons), but their process is violent and destructive...
5x5 Close Stance SSB Good Mornings & Straight Leg Deficit Deadlifts ...
Continuing to chip away at these Good Mornings.
Today the squad did a rep method upper body workout. Fairly heavy but not too much that would take away from Friday's main lift. Good to see everyone hitting it hard. Next meets for us are both in March at the Arnold and our in house meet March 12th. Slept like crap last night. Kept […]
Today our Powerlifters hit a rough lower body based workout. Heavy rack pulls along with snatch grip dears for reps were just a couple of movements they did. Most everyone did well. I had one lifter respond that she needs to actually "deadlift more". Now mind you we just did "actual deadlifts" less than a […]
Adapt. Acheive. Overcome.
I have my good days, I have my bad days, and I have days where I question it all.
Bench Day: December 1st
I'm getting help with my training from this creepy guy: Look at this. I think he's pooping here. He really needs more fiber. After so many of my friends doing 5th set and getting great results, I wanted a piece of this myself. Bench: 135 x 5 135 x 5 185 x 5 225 x 5 285 […]
3 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Front Squats & Leg Press
I'm looking to hit a nice deadlift PR come December 19th.
5x5 2-Board Bench & Kettlebell Chaos Bench (Video)
Continuing to rotate through different movements on my volume weeks.
Video of Some November Training Lowlights to Finish Off the Month
And what video would be complete without me yelling at my training partner during a lift?
Monday bench 6 days out
I hit singles up to 405 which is heavier than I have gone in the past, but just trying something new I suppose. It felt great and moved great.
Here is your Red and Green Kettlebell Challenge, are you up for it? Join in the fun, all you need is a couple Kettlebells!