Light stuff
Light stuff
It wasn't much, but it was something
Are you where you want to be?
Pre-hab at home.
Pre-hab at home.
Prevent pain. Become stronger.
Shoulders and back. Extra day!
Shoulders and back. Extra day!
Purposeful training.
Some quick Abs in the basement
Some quick Abs in the basement
Find time for the little things.
Extra work.
Extra work.
Who doesn't like jello?
Assistance work
Assistance work
This was my kids first plate at the buffet. She said she was bigger now and could handle getting her own food....
Bench day
Bench day
Hit the buffet today!
4 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
4 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
I'm really enjoying having my hypertrophy day as it's own day.
Week 14 / Day 1 - Squat Training - meet prep for XPC finals begins
Week 14 / Day 1 - Squat Training - meet prep for XPC finals begins
Week 14 / Day 1 - Squat Training and meet prep begins for the XPC Finals....Video included.
Post Meet Recovery Week
Post Meet Recovery Week
Recovering mentally and physically from last weekends meet
Sunday light lower
Sunday light lower
One week out from Lexen XXX meet.
Kasey Davis - 2015 SPF Record Breakers with VIDEO....
Kasey Davis - 2015 SPF Record Breakers with VIDEO....
My Krazy Kasey getting it done....
Next Thing You Know, 100 Of This, 100 Of That And I'm Back !
Next Thing You Know, 100 Of This, 100 Of That And I'm Back !
Inspired by my own physio I decided to get back to training, wasn't heavy but over 500 reps in total feels good!
Today we had a conditioning class from 9-10am.  We had a good showing (14).  I have made it much more clear to my clients this past week that they need to pick it up.  A lot of my regular clients are at a stand still.  Week after week month after month they continually do the […]
Revisiting my approach to Flexible Dieting...
Revisiting my approach to Flexible Dieting...
Flexible Dieting Done Differently-- how I've been improving my life with food.
Peak Week: Game Face = On
Peak Week: Game Face = On
Sorry for the hiatus! Almost go time!
Press/Bench & Grippers
Press/Bench & Grippers
I was asked to document my time between events for future reference and to make sure I was giving myself a full 15 minutes between attempts.
I jump from an RGC gripper rating of 106 up to 143, so there is a LARGE margin I am missing.

Items 10441 to 10460 of 13402 total