Strongman Saturday and My Deadlift Is Finally Heading Back Up (with Video)
Prepare, Perform, and finally PREVAIL! Deadlift back up in the 600s and a strong event training day on all fronts!
4 Weeks Out - Speed Deadlifts, DB Overhead Press, DB RDLs & Abs
I felt good overall and I'm liking how things are coming together.
Speed Bench vs Light Bands Wk1: 8x3 w/ 185+bands & Close Grip Inclin...
Using a different band setup for speed bench - I like it.
Last raw day
The 355 was stupid easy, considering I was at a commercial gym with no chalk and crap equipment
Today I had a small class (9) from 9-10am. We hit a great upper body based workout. I signed up a few new clients by running a Black Friday sale. I'm not big on running sales as I feel like it cheapens my product. After the class I run a Developmental Program for the Biggs […]
Thurs (thanksgiving)
Today I held my annual Thanksgiving Day class. It is a great way for my clients to get up and get moving before the day of major calorie consumption. We hit a normal work day with lower body emphasis. I really have been getting on my clients (mainly the regulars) that they need to pick […]
Part 3: Supper and the rest! #swis2015
Check out the first part of #swis2015 here Check the second part here
4 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Standing Pin Presses &a...
This tells me my press is strong at the moment.
And So It Begins, Physio 101, 3 Weeks Post Op!
Well I surprised the heck out of the Physiotherapist today. Movements that most people have at this stage are 45 % and mine are 100 % !