2 Week Surgery Update, I'm Way Ahead Of The Pack !
At 53 Years old the Dr. reports my tendons were strong and in excellent condition, but WHY?, read on
Picking up the pieces
Also, since I've decided not to cut weight for Carnage and just focus on the bench, I'm going to get fat. Really fat.
Primary Chest, Shoulder & Triceps Workout
Tried implementing the 10's technique from the Leg Assault workout for chest - brutal!
Throw Back Thursday Kettlebell Training ! (w/video's)
If you want strong tendons like me you need to grab your Kettlebells, get them tendons in tip top shape !
Samantha Snowder - 2015 SPF Record Breakers with VIDEO....
Sam has 4 meets under her belt in the past 16 months. Each of these meets Sam is continuing to grow and find herself. In these 4 meets she has not even tapped her level of potential that she is capable of and as she continues to gain confidence, take a step out of her […]
Training-Days Leading up to OPA Provincials
And thats it, the last two training days before provincials!
ME Lower: Reverse Band Squat & Seated SSB Good Mornings (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 5; Wk 3, Day 1 - 11.14.15
5 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts & Pin Presses
Front squats felt great on this day, but deadlifts felt like crap.