5 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Floor Press & More
If things keep progressing like they are I should be good for a Log Clean & Press PR in December.
Deadlifts against bands - 3 weeks out
When you need someone to monitor you lockouts type of tension.
Week 16 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory / Rehab
Week 16 - upper accessory work with some rehab/recovery stuff too.
What Does Not Kill You Makes You Strong(her) !
12 Day post surgery update, 72 hours pain med free, I'd say "Now we're making progress"
Opinions Are Like A***oles...
Everyone's got one. But the last time I tried to pay my bills with other people's opinions, it didn't work so well. It was going okay until my electricity got turned off. So what gives? Sometimes we just gotta do what we know is best for us and ignore what other people think of us. […]
Where to start with #SWIS2015 [Pictures and Video]
Ok I know. 2 Parts. 1 for my squat and the 2nd for everything else.
Autumn Apocalypse Meet Report - Bombs Away!
Could be worse I suppose. A bad day powerlifting is still a day spend powerlifting.
5x5 SSB Wide Stance Good Mornings & Straight Leg Deficit Deadlifts (...
Non-suspended reps on Good Mornings to work time under tension that'll carry over to squats.
6 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & a Hunting Story?
...and about that time both of hamstring cramped and they cramped hard.
SWIS 2015 - Lessons Learned
Speakers I saw Kelly Armstrong JL Holdsworth Bill Kazmaier John Berardi Dave Tate John Meadows Julia Ladewski Joe Defranco Charles Poliquin Biggest Takeaway Integrity and values - Seeing and speaking with Dave gave me clarity as to the reasons why I see him as a mentor. He spoke a lot about living by […]
Looking For Enhanced Grip Strength ?
Look no further, you have the right tools, you just don't know it !