Post Meet - Week 1
Post Meet - Week 1
Training completed this week = 0
Hard Leg Training!
Hard Leg Training!
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 8, Day 1 - 6.21.19
Working on Being Faster
Working on Being Faster
Never fast enough
The American Press Bar is my Kryptonite
The American Press Bar is my Kryptonite
I feel like a weak, uncoordinated donkey when I press with it
Midweek training sessions
Midweek training sessions
focus on hips and arms this week
GPP Wk1 Day3: this week is getting worse
GPP Wk1 Day3: this week is getting worse
Know WHY you are doing GPP and know where you fall on the spectrum from beginner to advanced. The intent of GPP will change
Quickie Training
Quickie Training
100% better than no training
Light Bench - 7/1/2019
Light Bench - 7/1/2019
Getting some benching in before hitting the road to EliteFTS
Heavy Yoking
Heavy Yoking
Waddling like I dropped a deuce in my drawers
Block Pulls
Block Pulls
uncomfortable block pulls.
Post Meet Plans
Post Meet Plans
I guess I'm not really sure yet!
7/1/19 and 7/2/19 Deadlift, Bench, and Squats
7/1/19 and 7/2/19 Deadlift, Bench, and Squats
Training in over the weekend despite USPA Nationals in COlumbus
ME Upper- Reverse Band Cambered Swiss Bar Spoderman
ME Upper- Reverse Band Cambered Swiss Bar Spoderman
I like my bands like I like my men. Above me.
GPP Wk1 Day2: Training again already?
GPP Wk1 Day2: Training again already?
I was so sore from day one, this was just a crap show, lol
Trap Bar Deads Make the World Go Dark
Trap Bar Deads Make the World Go Dark
Admiral Ackbar knew the struggle
CJ Tuesdays
CJ Tuesdays
Core focused.
Chili Peppers Are Going to Space
Chili Peppers Are Going to Space
But my bench press is not
Week 7 Day 1 - Sorta Raw Benching with Sorta Gearwhore stuff used to cheat....
Week 7 Day 1 - Sorta Raw Benching with Sorta Gearwhore stuff used to che...
“The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.” – Navy SEAL’s
USPA Nationals - Meet Videos
USPA Nationals - Meet Videos
Just the videos for now! Full write up to come in article form.

Items 1041 to 1060 of 13402 total