Leg Annihilation
One of the most brutal, heart pounding, high volume supersets included in this workout!
General stuff
There really wasn't much to it, as my training is almost completely done, but I did it, so I guess I should include it, lol.
Training 2 Weeks Out - With Video
Two weeks out from Ontario Provincials. Lots of benching and heavy squats!
Back to Training: Training Priorities Moving Forward & Box Jumps/Ham...
I have some big strides to take forward over the next 17 weeks.
7 Weeks Out - Speed Deadlifts, Incline DB's, DB RDLs
These felt great and in the past these had a huge impact in helping me build my deadlift
Why I Hate the Paused Deadlift...And How To Yield BETTER Results
Get Stuck at Your Knees or Lock Out? Break Your Deadlift PR With These Movements.