Deadlift day
Deadlift day
My head leaks!!!
Back and Biceps Workout
Back and Biceps Workout
Get ready to feel the burn!
Bench day.
Bench day.
off season is great.
Kettlebell Education & Instructional video's 101 !
Kettlebell Education & Instructional video's 101 !
Did you miss something ? Here are some video's on almost everything you wanted to know about Kettlebells and more !
Week 18 / Day 4 - Upper Training - Heavy Day w/ Video
Week 18 / Day 4 - Upper Training - Heavy Day w/ Video
Week 18 Heavy Bench Day w/ Video
Wave 8 - OH/Bench Deload
Wave 8 - OH/Bench Deload
Prepared and ready to perform. Also, a brief lesson on physics and choosing the correct version of an exercise.
Thursday sq/dl
Thursday sq/dl
I feel like a sack of sh*t. 50% feels like it might staple me at any point. I can't stay tight. I'm shaking like a leaf on the eccentric. My IT bands are giving me shooting pains. I have no drive out of the whole. Everything is slow. End rant. I'm just frustrated mainly because […]
7 Weeks Out - Back, Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy day)
7 Weeks Out - Back, Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy day)
I think my body is just telling me that I'm almost 31 years old.
DE Deathlifts
DE Deathlifts
Huge back pump!! DE work is a whole different world when you do it right
Great training session with David
DE Bench
DE Bench
Speed bench'n with the team wore my ass out
Week 18 / Day 3 - Lower Training - Deadlift Day
Week 18 / Day 3 - Lower Training - Deadlift Day
Week 18 - Lower training - Deadlift day
Fail harder now, so you can succeed easier later....VIDEO
Fail harder now, so you can succeed easier later....VIDEO
Always hone your skills. Always become better each day. Never give up and never give a damn what others think....
Biz Reflection: In Hindsight, 3 Redos
Biz Reflection: In Hindsight, 3 Redos
In hindsight I would stick to my tried and true system that works for me and accomplish what is realistic, not driven by my desire to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Under The Knife Today !
Under The Knife Today !
Surgery today to repair my torn rotator cuff and I am driven to come back strong(her) than before, what doesn't kill you makes you strong(her).
Lower Extra Session
Lower Extra Session
Off Season 5; Wk 1, Mini Session 2 - 11.4.15
November 5, 2015
November 5, 2015
Upper accessory...
Beginning Hypertrophy Block-- Changing it up
Beginning Hypertrophy Block-- Changing it up
Beginning New Training Cycle...
7 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press,  Log Strict Press, Floor Press & More
7 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Log Strict Press, Floor Press &...
The log felt much better this week than the previous two weeks.

Items 10661 to 10680 of 13401 total