Wave 7 - Deadlift
Ten days out and all I can think is, "Big Gulps huh? Alright, whelp see ya later."
Kettlebell Competition Results, Read Why They Do It !
I asked my team what this competition meant to them, find out for yourself, you too just may get hooked.
My Hump Day Metabolic Lumps !
Love my hump day conditioning, metabolic Kettlebell madness equals big lumps !
Training 4 weeks out
Training from 4 weeks out to The Ontario Provincial Championships. With video from deadlift rep PR
8 Weeks Out - Strict Axle, Deadlifts, SB Floor Press & More
I'm feeling really good starting my second week of this strength phase.
Monday assistance work for bench
I included a video of the walking 1/4 dips because I was getting a few questions on those...
Saturday speed bench at the Onnit Academy
I visited Austin Tx and spent the week at Onnit, the supplement company that has sponsored me since I started in powerlifting.
Never Squat Again The Dr. Said.
What if your Dr. told you to never squat again, would you listen? Or would you wear the shit out of it before it rusted out ?