9 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & SSB Good Mornings
9 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & SSB Good Morn...
I'm pretty happy with how things are going so far.
2015 IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Report
2015 IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Report
Not my best meet on paper, but personally, I took more away from this meet than any so far.
Week 19 / Day 2 - Bench Training - Light Day
Week 19 / Day 2 - Bench Training - Light Day
Week 19 / Day 2 - upper light day - benching with the fat bar
Secondary Back & Biceps
Secondary Back & Biceps
At Eastside Gym with an old friend whom I trained with 20 years ago for this workout!
Mark Webster - Ottawa Fall Open Meet
Mark Webster - Ottawa Fall Open Meet
After attending the Powerlifting Experience and coaching from Steve Goggins, Mark makes his return to powerlifting after a brutal bicep tendon detachment.
Overhead/Upper body - 7 weeks out
Overhead/Upper body - 7 weeks out
High volume training = the pump is real.
DE Bench ME Lockout
DE Bench ME Lockout
Speed Kills! Awesome night
Squat day. Rebuilding
Squat day. Rebuilding
I had to wear an elbow sleeve to warm up. Is 33 old?
Wave 7 - Bench
Wave 7 - Bench
Not all mistakes are detrimental, but I still hate benching on Mondays
Primary Leg Training
Primary Leg Training
The ascending and descending sets of leg press were awesome!
Shirted Bench up to 505lbs / Last Bench Session before Meet
Shirted Bench up to 505lbs / Last Bench Session before Meet
Now it's just resting till meet time this weekend.
BJJ Bug: Officially Bitten
BJJ Bug: Officially Bitten
What can I say. Jiujitsu has consumed me as of late. I have stabilized my consistency to 4x a week and I am scouting for a tournament early next year - exciting! At this point I am actually not sure at all what my weight is. I haven't weighed myself in over 5 months so […]
Metabolic Pre-Surgery Craziness !
Metabolic Pre-Surgery Craziness !
10 More sleeps until surgery, I must not get fat, I will not get fat.
10-26-2015 Bench and #squateveryday
My shoulders and I are not on the same page right now.
Wave 7 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 7 - Strongman Saturday
I can tell it's almost game time because all I want to do is max my lifts and do stuff other than what I need to do for my competition - two weeks out
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
walking 50 blocks should count as training....
Florida's Strongest Man - 7 weeks out
Florida's Strongest Man - 7 weeks out
I have decided to commit to the Florida's Strongest Man competition being held at the Ironhouse on December 12th. We are officially 7 weeks out and training for events has already commenced.
"To have incredibly experienced lifters compliment you-one of the best feelings in the world. I achieved my first powerlifting goal and that was to compete. Now, I’m going to work on an elite total! I’m definitely looking forward to stepping on that platform again." Congrats!

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