Week 1: Days 3 & 4
Week 1: Days 3 & 4
Day 3 & 4 of Transition Block
I have a new goal, so a new push is on!
10-19-2015 4 am - how I love you!
10-19-2015 4 am - how I love you!
I'm back at it! and I can barely type right now haha
October 18, 2015
October 18, 2015
things are feeling good...not strong but good...
Wave 6 - Extra Deadlifting
Wave 6 - Extra Deadlifting
So a King and a Jack walk into this Metal bar...
Wave 6 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 6 - Strongman Saturday
Man oh man, I love it when a plan comes together!
Wave 6 - Upper Assistance II
Wave 6 - Upper Assistance II
Assitance day - come for the jumps, stay for the gun show
DE Squat
DE Squat
Speedy Day
Shirted bench
Shirted bench
You totally wimped out man well, wcha, dcha, wcha the guy hawkd on my burger
Training 5 weeks out - With Video
Training 5 weeks out - With Video
Really happy with this week's training.
100 Of This, 100 Of That, Sunday Funday! (w/video's)
100 Of This, 100 Of That, Sunday Funday! (w/video's)
Lower speed & volume, belt squats, GHR, Situps, Swing Squats, hundreds of reps!
Being a bitch
Being a bitch
I have been being a giant bitch when it comes to training lately.
Last Heavy Bench Day (w/VIDEO) - 2 WEEKS OUT
Last Heavy Bench Day (w/VIDEO) - 2 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 2 - 10.11.15
Part Three: The Raw Men
Part Three: The Raw Men
The Raw Men I’m so proud to include Jack O’Rourke in this post. Jack had a meet PR by weighing in at 209 lbs!!!
October 17, 2015
October 17, 2015
Lily and I were actually to the gym early!
Saturday Blues, Kettlebells That Is !
Saturday Blues, Kettlebells That Is !
Maintaining as much as I can as I await shoulder surgery, sitting still is not an option.
Orlando Barbell APF Southern States
Orlando Barbell APF Southern States
Congratulations and happy birthday to my big brutter!
Week 1-- Days 1 & 2
Week 1-- Days 1 & 2
Week 1: Day 1 & 2

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