Max Effort Paused Floor Press w/ Metal Catapult up to 405x3 (Video)
Rep PR after some volume working up.
100 Of This, 100 Of That, Sunday Funday! (w/video's)
Lower speed & volume, belt squats, GHR, Situps, Swing Squats, hundreds of reps!
Last Heavy Bench Day (w/VIDEO) - 2 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 2 - 10.11.15
Part Three: The Raw Men
The Raw Men I’m so proud to include Jack O’Rourke in this post. Jack had a meet PR by weighing in at 209 lbs!!!
Saturday Blues, Kettlebells That Is !
Maintaining as much as I can as I await shoulder surgery, sitting still is not an option.