Final Heavy Squat/Deadlift at Elitefts S4 Compound (w/VIDEO) - 2 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 1 - 10.10.15
Perception, How One Person's View Is So Different !
Today I was told I have skinny legs, a compliment or insult, still undecided, more belts squats then I will decide.
TODAY the squad hit high rep squats, high rep elevated lunges, and a bunch of other movements to pack on some muscle. They are struggling but getting better every workout. Today I had my CatScan. Waiting to hear back what is going on. Lifting is on hold again until they clear me. Weight is about […]
Week 2 Day 2 - Raw Squat Max with 750/800 pounds with VIDEO....
I am very happy with this squat day....
Light Legs (and some back stuff)
Squats: (no belt, ATG) Bar x 15 115 x 3 165 x1 195 x1 205 x 5 (x2), x 3 (knee was bugging so I stopped) Chins: 3 x 6 Top-to-Bottom pistols: (per leg) BW 1 x 5 (PR!) 2kg x 6 ( x4 ) Inverted rows: 3x10 Lying Leg Curls: […]
Good Ole Speed Bench and Accessory Work (w/VIDEO) - 3 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 8, Day 4 - 10.8.15
Benching... Getting dialed in!
So needless to say, a good day would be a huge confidence builder. And a bad day would f-ing suck.
EliteFTS interview discussing the bench press
Two videos from EliteFTS -what I do for my bench programming and why
Bench technique at the Compound
Getting tight BEFORE taking the bar out. Breathing into my chest as much as my belly. Meeting the bar on the eccentric.