Knee Wrapping: Take the Slack out of Your Wrap (and your Jaw) - with Video
Don't leave your training partner with a wrap as loose as a limp noodle!
Training Week in Review: 5 Weeks Out from Lexen Fall Classic (Video)
First half of meet training was up and down, but now we're on an upswing!
Wave 6 - Overhead
Some logging and an explanation of changes to my training going into the last 5 weeks before MD Strongest Man
Monday bench max 5
Worked up to 455, was looking for 5 but 3 was all she wrote today. Spotter helped me on #4.
Kettlebell Sport Training 2.5 Weeks Out From Competition!
Big numbers from Team Outlaws tonight, lots reps, sweat and chalk !
The powerlifting crew are wrapping up week three of phase 1. Chels forearms felt like concrete afterwards. All are doing well. Still awhile away but our showing at the Arnold this year should be great. I did BB MIL, BB INCLINE, HAMMER STRENGTH SHRUGS,SEATED LOW ROW, THEN SUPERSETTED ROPE PRESSDOWNS AND CABLE CURLS. All […]
Saturday's Leg Workout
The last major leg workout before I compete next week at the Europa Phoenix Pro 212.
Circa Max Squats Wk 2: 335lbs + 3 Average Bands per side (Video)
The tension was definitely a challenge on this one!
Meet write-up for RPS South Florida Conquest
My RPS South Florida Conquest write-up...3 PR's and video of all of my attempts..the good and the bad.
SI Issues, Conditioning Focus
Unfortunately I have been out of commission since my last lifting session, except for one very light jiujitsu drill class. My back wrnt into extreme spasms the day following my pulls, as the load put my SI joint totally out of place. It is back to about 95% after my chiro appointment, but I am […]