Week 9 Day 4 - Rev Band Fat-Bar Floor Presses with VIDEO....
Something new, something old and it works....
Wave 5 - Strongman Saturday with Video
Pro Tip: Sometimes yelling at your body parts and/or the weights can help you make a difficult lift (see video)
Week 10, Day 1 - Leg Day and a General Update on Life/Training
General life and training update along with my next training/competition plans.
October 4, 2015
Lily and I arrived at the compound today after everyone had wrapped up their training.
October 3, 2015
Arrived at the compound later in the day today for some squat work. Training with Lily is great and we can get our sessions in whenever it best fits our schedule.
Heaviest Squat of Meet Prep at Elitefts (w/VIDEO) - 4 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 1 - 9.27.15
Our Powerlifting squad hit what they said the toughest workout of the week. Safety squats supersetted with sleds, a single leg movement and a couple other things added to their FUN. For my self I pulled off 2mats, step-ups, hypers, then supersetted abs. All were done at 3x8. Paid close attention to my heart rate […]
Speed Bench and More Board Work (w/VIDEO) - 5 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 4 - 9.24.15
Training Week in Review: 6 Weeks from Lexen Fall Classic (w/ Videos)
Highlights (Good and Bad) from Week 6 of Meet Training!