September 27, 2015
September 27, 2015
Volume work...
September 26, 2015
September 26, 2015
Mixing it up...
Duffin Movement Systems - Part 2
Duffin Movement Systems - Part 2
On day two of the DMS course, we woke up, and tried to locate some half decent food in time for our earlier start. I was unsuccessful on this mission, which caused us to be about 10 minutes late, and I get anxiety about being late for anything so my nervous system was all sorts […]
Bench Press Training Up to Second Attempt (w/VIDEO) - 5 WEEKS OUT
Bench Press Training Up to Second Attempt (w/VIDEO) - 5 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 2 - 9.20.15
Squat/Deadlift Training at Laura Phelp's Sweatt Shop (w/VIDEO) - 5 WEEKS OUT
Squat/Deadlift Training at Laura Phelp's Sweatt Shop (w/VIDEO) - 5 ...
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 1 - 9.18.15
First meet videos!
First meet videos!
Live. Learn. Pass on.
More recovery work. Upper body
More recovery work. Upper body
Recovery is good for you.
Perserverance is the name of this game.
Perserverance is the name of this game.
" Never give in or give up."
Old Meet Videos
Old Meet Videos
Remember how far you have come and one day you will be strong again.
Compliment training. Video.
Compliment training. Video.
Try something NEW to compliment your big lifts.
Journey to Pan- Ams Part IV: 2 Days with No English
Journey to Pan- Ams Part IV: 2 Days with No English
2 Days of Living with no English.
Crushing weights in the hotel
Crushing weights in the hotel
The hot tub is next.
Main Squat Training (9/30)
Main Squat Training (9/30)
Still feeling a bit off, but I'm back into squatting.
Today the Powerlifting Squad hit rack pulls, walking lunges along with a lot of other stuff.  I got called the devil and got a "F" you a couple times.  Good stuff. For my workout I hit safety bar box squats, glute-ham raises, then an ab machine.  All was done at 4x8.  Everything felt heavy.  Not […]
Speed lower. Video.
Speed lower. Video.
Is it in her? She will find the strength she needs.
Good alternative to max benching. Video.
Good alternative to max benching. Video.
Give me Strength when I STAND and Faith when I FALL.
Heavy assistace pays off. Video.
Heavy assistace pays off. Video.
Work hard and Dream big, Then work harder.

Items 11041 to 11060 of 13402 total