Duffin Movement Systems - Part 2
On day two of the DMS course, we woke up, and tried to locate some half decent food in time for our earlier start. I was unsuccessful on this mission, which caused us to be about 10 minutes late, and I get anxiety about being late for anything so my nervous system was all sorts […]
Bench Press Training Up to Second Attempt (w/VIDEO) - 5 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 2 - 9.20.15
Squat/Deadlift Training at Laura Phelp's Sweatt Shop (w/VIDEO) - 5 ...
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 1 - 9.18.15
Today the Powerlifting Squad hit rack pulls, walking lunges along with a lot of other stuff. I got called the devil and got a "F" you a couple times. Good stuff. For my workout I hit safety bar box squats, glute-ham raises, then an ab machine. All was done at 4x8. Everything felt heavy. Not […]