Wednesday squats and pulls 12 weeks out
First time squatting five plates in about 8 weeks. Felt heavy but I'm ahead of schedule and they moved pretty well.
Week 3 / Day 2 - Deadlift Opener w/ Video
Week 3 Deadlift opener for RPS South Florida Conquest with Video.
Team Nebobarbell - Brandon Snowder - SPF/GPC World Championships with VI...
Add World Champion to his name....
Week 9, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
This session destroyed my chest and my shoulders, in a good way.
Speed Bench & Close Grip Work Ups (w/VIDEO) - 7 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 4 - 9.10.15
Conditioning Drill That Also Teaches How to Use Your Belt Correctly
If you don't keep your abs tight, you'll feel like you're getting punched in the stomach by Mike Tyson..
Today I hit belt squats, single leg machine curls, walking lunges, abs. All were done at 4x12. Felt better than I thought it would. Coaching this past weekend in Vegas was tiring!! We did very good as a team. I will do a write up tonight or tomorrow on the meet it self.