Week 5 Day 4 - Gearwhore Reverse Band Squats with VIDEO....
Week 5 Day 4 - Gearwhore Reverse Band Squats with VIDEO....
Give yourself to the Dark Side. - Darth Vador
Chest and Shoulder Training - Lots O' Pressin'
Chest and Shoulder Training - Lots O' Pressin'
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 7, Day 2 - 6.15.19
Squat - 6/23/2019
Squat - 6/23/2019
Not confident enough taking the bar out of the rack
Back to Hard Leg Training
Back to Hard Leg Training
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 7, Day 1 - 6.14.19
Arm Deload
Arm Deload
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 6, Day 4 - 6.13.19
SSB Squats
SSB Squats
Warm up with bar 1 x 10, 2 x 5 Worked up to: 245lbs x 3 255lbs 2 x 3 Pitshark wide stance squats 3 x 8 Banded Fatbell swings (pause at the bottom)  x leg extensions (heavy) 3 x 15 each  
Chest and Shoulder Training Deload
Chest and Shoulder Training Deload
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 6, Day 3 - 6.11.19
Upper Accessory
Upper Accessory
Bench Accessory movements
ME Squatting
ME Squatting
same set up, more weight
Bench Accessory and Conditioning
Bench Accessory and Conditioning
Some lifting and a tiny bit of running....
DE Squatting
DE Squatting
squats to the elitefts squat box
Back Session Deload
Back Session Deload
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 6, Day 2 - 6.10.19
Week 5 Day 3 - Supplemental Training - Big Back = Bigger Everything....
Week 5 Day 3 - Supplemental Training - Big Back = Bigger Everything....
“The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.” - Darth Vader
6/21/19 Bench and Deadlift
6/21/19 Bench and Deadlift
Deficit pulls and good benching
Lower light day - more of the same
Lower light day - more of the same
Lower Accessory / Light day - continuing to do what doesn't hurt
Last Squat and Bench
Last Squat and Bench
Last squat and bench before the meet, last warmups and bench opener.
Abundant Mentality and Your Vision
Abundant Mentality and Your Vision
If what you do is so great, why aren't you doing it more? If everything else is so bad, why aren't you doing more good?

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