Today I hit belt squats, single leg machine curls, walking lunges, abs. All were done at 4x12. Felt better than I thought it would. Coaching this past weekend in Vegas was tiring!! We did very good as a team. I will do a write up tonight or tomorrow on the meet it self.
September 10, 2015
Being able to training at the compound whenever I like is a privilege and an honor. I'm very fortunate and in a good place in life.
September 8, 2015
Headed to the compound today for some upper accessory. Lily and I make great training partners, great partners in life actually, and training is good.
Wave 4 - Upper Assistance Deload
My best judgement won out against my better judgement so I'm dropping my load this week
All of the training has been done. Just trying to keep the wheels on the bus.
Overhead Presses/Upper Body
Preparing for a final mock meet this weekend. After that, it's basically go time - Adapt. Achieve. Overcome.
Speed Squats & Deads with Work Up Sets (w/VIDEO) - 7 WEEKS OUT
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 3 - 9.8.15
Kettlebell Sport Training 5 Weeks Out ! (w/video's)
A ten minute test set tonight gave the girls some P.R.'s and extra conditioning and grip strength, and a bit of much needed confidence !
Today I got to train at not only a commercial gym but it is inside a hotel. It has been 6+ years since I have done this. Wasn't terrible but wasn't good. Fortunately I am going so light it worked out. Today I hit DB inline, DB mil press, close grip pulldowns, BB shrugs, scarecrows, […]
Monday bench against red minis 12 weeks out
405-425 against double red minis for 5 sets of 2-3. A little bit all over the place but I'm trying something 'new.'
Pause Squats, Legs Need A Vacation !
Hope I don't run out of things to do with my legs. Creativity is required when some of the body has to shut down !