Week 6, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
I'm halfway through this 12 week phase and I'm very happy with my results so far.
Training Week in Review: 8 Weeks Out (Video Highlights)
Video Highlights from Week 8 of Meet Training.
My unnamed team for RPS Canadian Conflict!
I have had a lot of great people to train with over the years. Here are some of the current badasses!
Today our powerlifting squad hit upper body rep method/high volume. Most were swollen after the lift. Tomorrow is off with Thursday lift consisting of squat openers then lower volume. Throwing some volume couple weeks/week before meet is just what these guys needed. Next week is off/travel week. 12 days till go time. As far as […]
Busting Out the Wraps: Squat/Deadlift Training - 8 WEEKS OUT (w/VIDEO)
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 1 - 8.29.15
Week 5 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory Work
Week 5 - Upper Accessory Work - last week of accessory work before the meet - and a bit of pondering.
Exactly what you want to see happen when preparing for a meet, I'm getting stronger and I can prove it.
Max Effort DL and Bench
Either my back would hurt too bad, or more recently I would just shut down and give up. This time though, my confidence was high enough that I felt comfortable with the strain.
Our powerlifting squad are on openers and some extra volume for their supplemental work. Everyone pulled great. We have two lifters who are doing a meet in a few weeks after GPC worlds. We are switching up their program these next few weeks. We also got another female join our team today looks like she […]
Bodybuilding week 4
Today is my last bodybuilding day. Sunday I can start squatting and deadlifting again, and Monday will be back to conjugate max effort work.