Week 7 / Day 3 - Lower Accessory w/ Video
Week 7 Lower Accessory work using the OBB Power Handles. Video Included!
Just because it worked yesterday doesn't mean it will work today.
Strong(her) Ladies Cranking Out Bench P.R.'s (w/video's)
You don't have to be an expert lifter to hit P.R.'s when you train with the right people or places and the Elitefts S4 compound was the place to be !
A Little Bit of My BJJ Curriculum
How my BJJ sessions are set up for the next couple of months...fun fun.
Raw squat and bench
I'm gonna be killing my top-end work and want to be as pain free as I can manage.
Squat/Deadlift Speed Work & SSB Good Mornings (w/VIDEO)
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 3 - 8.18.15
Kettlebell Sport Training & Met Con ! (w/video's)
Short on time, Kettlebells are exactly what you need, want a finisher, kettlebells are exactly what you need!
Training Week in Review: 12 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic
The week's highlights including a block pull PR and getting bench back on track.
Max Effort SQ/DL: Close Stance SSB Good Mornings up to 380x3 (Video)
Working on building starting strength for squat and deadlift.
Secondary Back & Biceps
A sample of my secondary/pump back workout aimed and facilitating hypertrophy and recovery!
Love, Relationships, and Training
It's not an easy combination, one in which that requires delicate balance.