Week 4, Day 4 - Leg Day #2
Week 4, Day 4 - Leg Day #2
Bulgarian Split Squats super set with Leg Extensions is painful.
Week 7 / Day 3 - Lower Accessory w/ Video
Week 7 / Day 3 - Lower Accessory w/ Video
Week 7 Lower Accessory work using the OBB Power Handles. Video Included!
Week 7 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory
Week 7 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory
Week 7 Upper Accessory day
Just because it worked yesterday doesn't mean it will work today.
Strong(her) Ladies Cranking Out Bench P.R.'s (w/video's)
Strong(her) Ladies Cranking Out Bench P.R.'s (w/video's)
You don't have to be an expert lifter to hit P.R.'s when you train with the right people or places and the Elitefts S4 compound was the place to be !
A Little Bit of My BJJ Curriculum
A Little Bit of My BJJ Curriculum
How my BJJ sessions are set up for the next couple of months...fun fun.
Raw squat and bench
Raw squat and bench
I'm gonna be killing my top-end work and want to be as pain free as I can manage.
Squat/Deadlift Speed Work & SSB Good Mornings (w/VIDEO)
Squat/Deadlift Speed Work & SSB Good Mornings (w/VIDEO)
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 3 - 8.18.15
Wednesday PRP injection
Wednesday PRP injection
PRP injection, hyperbaric chamber, and coaching the squat.
Kettlebell Sport Training & Met Con ! (w/video's)
Kettlebell Sport Training & Met Con ! (w/video's)
Short on time, Kettlebells are exactly what you need, want a finisher, kettlebells are exactly what you need!
Chest & Shoulder Workout
Chest & Shoulder Workout
Starting out this new program with lower/moderate volume.
Bench day with video.
Bench day with video.
I want to win.
Week 6 Day 2 - Raw Squats with 700 Pounds & VIDEO....
Week 6 Day 2 - Raw Squats with 700 Pounds & VIDEO....
Im coming for an 800 pound raw squat....
Training Week in Review: 12 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic
Training Week in Review: 12 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic
The week's highlights including a block pull PR and getting bench back on track.
Max Effort SQ/DL: Close Stance SSB Good Mornings up to 380x3 (Video)
Max Effort SQ/DL: Close Stance SSB Good Mornings up to 380x3 (Video)
Working on building starting strength for squat and deadlift.
8/17/2015 This month is half over
8/17/2015 This month is half over
Crazy how the time is flying!!!
Secondary Back & Biceps
Secondary Back & Biceps
A sample of my secondary/pump back workout aimed and facilitating hypertrophy and recovery!
Love, Relationships, and Training
Love, Relationships, and Training
It's not an easy combination, one in which that requires delicate balance.
Heavy Bench Press Training (w/VIDEO)
Heavy Bench Press Training (w/VIDEO)
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 2 - 8.16.15

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