Heavy Bench Press Training (w/VIDEO)
Heavy Bench Press Training (w/VIDEO)
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 2 - 8.16.15
Week 6 Day 1 - Floor Press with VIDEO....
Week 6 Day 1 - Floor Press with VIDEO....
Lockout power is back on point....
Things that have been Working...
Things that have been Working...
Things that have been working well for me lately....
Conventional Deadlifts
Conventional Deadlifts
Feedback from the deadlift masterminds.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Last Monday was a bench day, and to give my shoulders a break and build some top-end, I worked up with a slingshot. I had forgotten my Metal Catapult, so I borrowed my training partner Anthony's slingshot, which is a size big on me. It was fine for the session, I just didn't worry about […]
How NOT to Talk to Women 101...plus some leg stuff.
How NOT to Talk to Women 101...plus some leg stuff.
Just in case you needed some help with the ladies.
Week of Aug 10-16
Week of Aug 10-16
I started a new job this week and didn't make much time to train this week.
All of our powerlifting squad tested out on deadlifts.  2 attempts from the floor and a third off a 2inch Mat.  Everyone did great with most setting a PR.  After that they hit a posterior chain movement heavy and finished with abs. I lifted also was nothing much to talk about just getting the muscles […]
And So It Begins: Meet Prep Explained & Squat/Deadlift Training (w/VIDEO)
And So It Begins: Meet Prep Explained & Squat/Deadlift Training (w/V...
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 1 - 8.15.15
Monday Week 2 bodybuilding upper
Monday Week 2 bodybuilding upper
I still dislike the slow tempo and high reps but I got da pump
Sunday Week 2 rehab
Sunday Week 2 rehab
Sled pulls and back work...and Ed Coan said 'you're doing it wrong.'
Friday extra workout
Friday extra workout
heavy sled pulls for an extra workout
Wave 1 - Bench
Wave 1 - Bench
Vacation training in commercial crap holes makes me miss my garage gym like a kid at fat camp misses Reese's Cups
Wave 1 - DL
Wave 1 - DL
Now that I'm training under better conditions, I'm more attuned to areas of potential weakness that may need more work
Wave 1 - Snatch/Assistance
Wave 1 - Snatch/Assistance
Sometimes when friends stop by, playing the best 3 out of 5 sets of grab ass and fat fanny can cut into my training
Max Lower Elitefts S4 Compound Training ! (w/video's)
Max Lower Elitefts S4 Compound Training ! (w/video's)
Every time I train at the Elite S4 Compound I seem to fry my legs, with or without Traci's help, damn machine's I'm not used too!
Leg Training
Leg Training
Kicking off a new 12-week John Meadows designed program today!

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