Last Monday was a bench day, and to give my shoulders a break and build some top-end, I worked up with a slingshot. I had forgotten my Metal Catapult, so I borrowed my training partner Anthony's slingshot, which is a size big on me. It was fine for the session, I just didn't worry about […]
How NOT to Talk to Women some leg stuff.
Just in case you needed some help with the ladies.
All of our powerlifting squad tested out on deadlifts. 2 attempts from the floor and a third off a 2inch Mat. Everyone did great with most setting a PR. After that they hit a posterior chain movement heavy and finished with abs. I lifted also was nothing much to talk about just getting the muscles […]
And So It Begins: Meet Prep Explained & Squat/Deadlift Training (w/V...
IPA Grand Prix Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 1 - 8.15.15
Wave 1 - Bench
Vacation training in commercial crap holes makes me miss my garage gym like a kid at fat camp misses Reese's Cups
Wave 1 - DL
Now that I'm training under better conditions, I'm more attuned to areas of potential weakness that may need more work
Wave 1 - Snatch/Assistance
Sometimes when friends stop by, playing the best 3 out of 5 sets of grab ass and fat fanny can cut into my training
Max Lower Elitefts S4 Compound Training ! (w/video's)
Every time I train at the Elite S4 Compound I seem to fry my legs, with or without Traci's help, damn machine's I'm not used too!