Max Upper Training Elitefts S4 Compound ! (w/video's)
Bench boo boo, 205 lb fail, right bicep/shoulder gave out, just a tiny set back, Injuries suck !
Q&A Highlights: Should You Use High Box Squats, Dealing with Pec Str...
You Ask, Team EliteFTS Answers!
Max Effort Lower
I'm finally starting to really trust my lower back health, so It's getting easier to select exercises that really challenge it.
Raw work
So not much, but since I'm 3 months out, I can afford to back off a bit to stay healthier later.
Week 7 / Day 1 - Squat Training - Full Gear - Video
Week 7 Squat training with full gear and with video
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk3: 345/365 w/ Light Bands + Chains, & Speed P...
Last week of this speed wave.
Max Effort Bench: Shirted 1-board Singles up to 515lbs
Got some good things to work on moving forward.
Strongman Saturday in All the Salisbury Hot Spots
Great day with great friends, but Murphy had his way with us whilst we were at the Puzzle Box