Week 8 / Day 1 - Squat Training with VIDEO
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squat Training with VIDEO
Week 8 squat training for the RPS South Florida Conquest meet on October 3rd. Training video included.
3 weeks out from GPC worlds in Vegas
3 weeks out from GPC worlds in Vegas
Training for GPC worlds. TTF powerlifting squad.
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk2: 325/345 with light bands+chains (Video)
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk2: 325/345 with light bands+chains (Video)
Picked up some new things to work on for reverse hypers and standing abs from Dave Tate.
Conditioning/Recovery Work: Week 11
Conditioning/Recovery Work: Week 11
Walking and moving furniture.
Sunday week 1 of rehab
Sunday week 1 of rehab
Week 1 of rehab- sled pulls, grip work, and core work
Block Pulls & GHR Ladders ! (w/video's)
Block Pulls & GHR Ladders ! (w/video's)
Nice to pull some heavy weight again, although not as much as I wanted but I will take 376 Lbs x 3, block pulls are harder than they look.
8/7/2015 Two days of training and an emotional day
8/7/2015 Two days of training and an emotional day
Quick update on training and long update in life.
August 9, 2015
August 9, 2015
Reverse band bench
Pressing - So You Lost? Strongman Justifications
Pressing - So You Lost? Strongman Justifications
I was catching up on some social media today and there were some comments and justifications regarding competition performance that are pretty typical. This is far from a complete list and I know there are many more. PLEASE, feel free to send in additions.
Suit Squats
Suit Squats
Good day overall. Didn't do much in terms of weight, but I know more than I did before about I'm gonna take the next step towards the platform.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench today. Switched back to the Swiss press bar and threw in a push up variation against a band.
New meet, new plan
New meet, new plan
RPS meet in December in Columbus and the Arnold in March about 8 weeks later...after about a month of rehab
Doing My Best
Doing My Best
At the start of this calendar year I talked about big changes coming and was looking forward to it all.
Kettlebell Fitness Class Receiving End ! (w/video's)
Kettlebell Fitness Class Receiving End ! (w/video's)
Today I decided to get up at 6 a.m. and take the class I used to teach, I had my ass handed to me, worst idea ever.
Week 3, Day 5 - Arm Day
Week 3, Day 5 - Arm Day
That arm day volume and a trip to the local Farmer's Market.
Week 3, Day 4 - Leg Day #2
Week 3, Day 4 - Leg Day #2
This sessions was pretty brutal as well after deadlifts the day before and hitting leg day #1 earlier in the week.

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