Week 10 / Day 4 - Upper Deload
Week 10 / Day 4 - Upper Deload
Week 10 - Upper Deload
August 1 2015
August 1 2015
My motivation is elsewhere...DUST MODE
How do you measure progress?
How do you measure progress?
Is progress only measured by how much weight is on the bar?
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Speed bench 185 plus double red minis plus 3 chains per side and 100 rep sets of whatever I felt like doing.
Paused Incline Bench w/ Swiss Bar Week 3 (Video)
Paused Incline Bench w/ Swiss Bar Week 3 (Video)
One more week then it's back to the straight bar.
SSB Box Squats
SSB Box Squats
Patience and repetition.
Endless Floor Pressing - PR's! (w/VIDEO)
Endless Floor Pressing - PR's! (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 4.2; Wk 10, Day 2 - 7.26.15
Bench day. So I signed up for USAPL BENCH NATIONALS. 5 weeks out
Bench day. So I signed up for USAPL BENCH NATIONALS. 5 weeks out
Notice that the rack isn't on my head......
Watch This - My BAMF of the day
Watch This - My BAMF of the day
A must see for female athletes.
Back (w/Deadlifts) & Biceps - Week 2, Day 3
Back (w/Deadlifts) & Biceps - Week 2, Day 3
Going into today's sessions I just wasn't "feeling it".
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps - Week 2, Day 2
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps - Week 2, Day 2
My body isn't used to all this volume, but I love it.
Training 5 weeks out
Training 5 weeks out
A solid week of training even though I was recovering from a heavy deadlift session.
Before Your First Meet: Your PR is..... ZERO
Before Your First Meet: Your PR is..... ZERO
"..if there’s one thing all powerlifters learn at one point or another, is that gym lifts are meaningless when it comes to the platform."
Wednesday squat rehab 4 weeks out
Wednesday squat rehab 4 weeks out
Worked up to about 90% with reverse light bands in an attempt to feel some heavy weight and keep my hamstring recovery on the right path.
Week 10 / Day 3 - Lower Deload
Week 10 / Day 3 - Lower Deload
Week 10 Lower Deload
Week 3 Day 1 - Multiply Benchin....
Week 3 Day 1 - Multiply Benchin....
Never stop listening to your body....
July 30 2015
July 30 2015
Simple training session
Reverse Band Bench With Frankenstein's Creation! (w/video's)
Reverse Band Bench With Frankenstein's Creation! (w/video's)
1st time putting 245 Lbs in my hands, band bench is awesome, also checkout Ken's newest bench creation !

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