Secondary Chest & Shoulders
Secondary Chest & Shoulders
The goal is max blood flow, massive pump and no CNS stress!
Warning: Powerlifters Not Powerlifting in This Log
Weekend In CO with Powerlifting buddies-- Nature and Powerlifting gains were made!
Squats, Squats, Squats (w/VIDEO)
Squats, Squats, Squats (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 4.2; Wk 10, Day 1 - 7.25.15
A Quick and Modified Deadlift Day
A Quick and Modified Deadlift Day
If traps are the new abs then I'm a 98 lb weakling, but a new power rack will cure my giraffe neck blues
I would really like some feedback please. Plus last week's training.
Snatch/Upper Assistance
Snatch/Upper Assistance
Silky smooth snatching. Thanks, Zohan!
Solo Strongman Saturday
Solo Strongman Saturday
Sat, 25 July 15 Everyone was out of town this weekend so I was left to train by myself at the Unit.  I tried to adjust my plan accordingly so that I would have minimal setup and cleanup, and while I think I did a pretty good job of that, today was still a crap […]
Conventional Block Pulls
Conventional Block Pulls
Prepare for the worst case scenario hoping for the best case scenario.
Week 10 / Day 2 - upper accessory deload
Week 10 / Day 2 - upper accessory deload
Week 10 Upper Deload Accessory work
Week 10 / Day 1 - Squat deload....kind of.
Week 10 / Day 1 - Squat deload....kind of.
Week 10 no squatting deload
Project Beat The Bloat
Project Beat The Bloat
I bit the bullet and finally took a big step to beating the bloat
Donnie Thompson's Performance Therapy Seminar with VIDEO....
Donnie Thompson's Performance Therapy Seminar with VIDEO....
Learning to stay healthy is always a good thing....
Fat bar floor press 5 weeks out
Fat bar floor press 5 weeks out
Floor press up to 445x3 and 475x5 with the slingshot against 60# of chains
Double Compounds, Chains & Heavy Sport Training (w/video's)
Double Compounds, Chains & Heavy Sport Training (w/video's)
Crazy heavy training tonight, love the variety with Kettlebells, P.R. on 28 Kg Long Cycle and great sport training from all Outlaws !
Great news!
Great news!
Two butt holes. Yup, that's right.
Incline bench
Incline bench
The main lift for the day was an incline bench press, which is a bit of a departure for us.
Log Strict Presses
Log Strict Presses
Train what you suck at.

Items 11721 to 11740 of 13401 total