Speed/Rep Day: Yoke Bar Speed Squats, Pulls vs Chains PR (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 4.2; Wk 9, Day 3 - 7.21.15
Raw work
Got a couple of raw days in this week, to try and gain some muscle and raw strength before I start training for a November meet. I will leave these mid-week sessions in for the duration of my meet prep.
Week 11 / Day 4 - Bench Training w/ Video
Week 11 Bench training for the RPS Southern Conquest with Video
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench training day. Lightening up on the assistance work 5 weeks out.
Press & Visitor
It appears as though psychological wincing from my knee, my stance has changed considerably, almost lifting implements in a sumo DL stance.
One day out. This is my 40th meet.
40th meet.....and yes thats me on the play ground. I like to find shade in the high ground. That's how I get down.
I am now training six days a week and conditioning seven because awesome doesn't take a day off. More training days means more calories.
I'm Back!!!!!!
Finally after what felt like 2 years away from the gym. I got back at it today. Not much. But, wa better than nothing!!
Squat rehab day
Squat rehab- went to two plates today, up from 1 plate on Monday. Moving in the right direction.
Upper Work with Frands
Want to immediately improve everything about your training? Find awesome lifters to help coach you.