Whats Going on at the Anto House part 1
So we bought a house and this is what we are doing to fix it up
425x2 Box Squat - 6/9/2019
Gearing up for an RPS meet July 27th in Orlando, Fl I'm 27 years old, painfully Canadian, and compete in the 132lb class (ranked 18th in 2018). Following the M2 Method with coach Brian Schwab Current BW (6/9/2019) - 136lbs Last book read - Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron Currently reading -Relentless by Tim Grover […]
Our new lil crew and some lugubrious leg press. Is this the first time that word has been used on elitefts.com?
"Whats It Worth" Wk 6 Day 2": Bench Opener
APF Nationals - Michigan June 12 Training Fantastic bench day, the weight felt solid and so did my body! At no point in time did I ever think the weight was too heavy or that I was going to get out of position. We had the pleasure of hosting Team EliteFTS Teammate Dan Dalenburger who is […]
Week 4 Day 4 - Squats in Briefs only with VIDEO....
“If you end your training now — if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did — you will become an agent of evil.” – Yoda
"Whats It Worth" Wk 6 Day 1": Squat Opener
busting the singlet out and mimicking the meet as much as I can
Eccentric Deads
5 second eccentrics conventional deads 3 x 3 GHR's x GHR back extensions 3 x 10 leg curls 5 x 10 Today I received a call that a close friend took his life. I share this with you: