Week 2 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Week 2 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Stuff I should have been doing years ago....
July 23, 2015
July 23, 2015
Tsunami Bar Benching
Chest & Shoulder Workout
Chest & Shoulder Workout
Sunday morning workout at Eastside Gym in Redmond!
I'm at the point where I really want to start back up with my next phase of programming, but while I'm waiting to do that I might as well work on sucking less
Reverse Band Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
Reverse Band Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 4.2; Wk 9, Day 1 - 7.18.15
Back & Biceps - Week 1, Day 3
Back & Biceps - Week 1, Day 3
I realized today I've done 22 competitions in 6 years. That's 3.5 competitions a year on average.
3 Videos to Make You a Better Coach or Trainer: Part I
3 Videos to Make You a Better Coach or Trainer: Part I
Progressions for the Squat, Glute Ham Raise, and Overhead Press.
I sure am glad to be back training in my basement instead of being in Aruba, he says dripping with sarcasm
Video: Deadlifts Wk 4 - Conventional Singles
Video: Deadlifts Wk 4 - Conventional Singles
Working on technique for some singles before going back to sumo reps next week.
Kettlebell Chains & 52 Shades of Swings ! (w/video's)
Kettlebell Chains & 52 Shades of Swings ! (w/video's)
Kettlebell chains, sport training & birthday celebrations !
Week 11 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory Work
Week 11 / Day 2 - Upper Accessory Work
Week 11 upper accessory work
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: Back and Bi's
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: Back and Bi's
Bring starvation to those who hunger for your defeat
Monday bench deload and hamstring rehab
Monday bench deload and hamstring rehab
Typical bench deload, 10x10 DB bench. And hamstring rehab moving in the right direction.
Training 6 Weeks Out
Training 6 Weeks Out
Another big week of training for me in prep for the DTS open in August.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
Weights, Prowler, Conditioning, Slurpees: Friday Night Leg Training!
Overhead Presses
Overhead Presses
Overhead presses were done as planned followed by high volume accessory work.
Week 2 Day 2 - Squats W/100# Chains with VIDEO....
Week 2 Day 2 - Squats W/100# Chains with VIDEO....
I might have hit depth once or twice here....

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