Swiss Bar Incline Bench Wk 2 & DeFranco's Shoulder Shocker 2.0 ...
This exercise humbled me REAL fast.
I'm at the point where I really want to start back up with my next phase of programming, but while I'm waiting to do that I might as well work on sucking less
Back & Biceps - Week 1, Day 3
I realized today I've done 22 competitions in 6 years. That's 3.5 competitions a year on average.
3 Videos to Make You a Better Coach or Trainer: Part I
Progressions for the Squat, Glute Ham Raise, and Overhead Press.
I sure am glad to be back training in my basement instead of being in Aruba, he says dripping with sarcasm
Video: Deadlifts Wk 4 - Conventional Singles
Working on technique for some singles before going back to sumo reps next week.
Kettlebell Chains & 52 Shades of Swings ! (w/video's)
Kettlebell chains, sport training & birthday celebrations !
Monday bench deload and hamstring rehab
Typical bench deload, 10x10 DB bench. And hamstring rehab moving in the right direction.