High Volume Deathlifts (9 Weeks Out)
High Volume Deathlifts (9 Weeks Out)
High Volume Deadlift Workout-- 9 weeks out from Pan-Ams in Brazil
Training 07-19-2015
Training 07-19-2015
Nothing fancy or special about this one. Just doing some work.
Volume and Intensity
Volume and Intensity
Thoughts as an athlete, coach, and educated meathead.
Shirt bench
Shirt bench
Of course, I could always use the bigger shirt to open in, then switch to the small one for a big third attempt... Time will tell.
DL/Squat---Patio Date Night
DL/Squat---Patio Date Night
Starting two businesses near the same time isn't really the smartest thing to do if you want to preserve your sanity.
I'm trusting this phase is part of the process and within the next year we can begin to move out of this phase and reclaim "fun".
Week 2 Day 1 - Raw Benching....
Week 2 Day 1 - Raw Benching....
Building this triceps power....
Training 7-18-2015
Training 7-18-2015
Shut the squats down at 690 on Dave’s advice due to available spotters.
Week 12 / Day 4 - Bench Training w/ Video
Week 12 / Day 4 - Bench Training w/ Video
Week 12 Bench Training in my Bash shirt with Video
Back, Biceps & Triceps
Back, Biceps & Triceps
I felt really good today and was more pumped than I've been in years.
Defeating the Demon of Discouragement
Defeating the Demon of Discouragement
The ironic part of it all, is that often times the opportunities where doubt creeps in the most, are opportunities that were given to us for a reason.
Floor Press PR (w/VIDEO)
Floor Press PR (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 4.2; Wk 8, Day 2 - 7.12.15
Frustrating squat day
Frustrating squat day
Planned 710 for a triple, tweaked my hamstring on the second rep. Talked with Dave Tate and came up with a rehab plan.
Week 12 / Day 3 - Deadlift Training
Week 12 / Day 3 - Deadlift Training
Week 12 Deadlift training via accommodating resistance with Video

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