Speed/Rep Day: Swiss Bar vs Bands, Close Grip Incline (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 4.1; Wk 6, Day 4 - 7.2.15
Week 13 / Day 3 - Deadlift Training with Video
Week 13 Deadlift training vs. Average bands...with Video
DL/Another Challenge
I see stuff and think, "Hey! That looks like fun. I think I should try it." I'm starting to think this is a serious processing deficit or something
The age old question for gym goers since the dawn of the dumbbell
Q&A Highlights: Using a Belt for Raw Bench, RDLs vs Rack Pulls, Sumo...
You Ask, Team EliteFTS Answers.
Kettlebell Compound Wed Morning Burn ! (w/video's)
Even with one kettlebell you can make a series of compounds designed to fit your requirements, checkout the different combo's from today's training !
Powerlifting Experience 2 Part Deux!
I thought poor Harry Selkow was gonna have a seizure from laughter at this.
Video: Sumo Deadlifts Wk 2, Conventional Block Pulls, and Snatch Grip De...
3 different beltless deadlift variations, my back is toast.