Food Prep, Eat To Grow, Preparation = Success !
Food Prep, Eat To Grow, Preparation = Success !
Training and Diet go hand and hand. The number one mistake is not having food prepared ahead of time, make Sunday meal prep day!
Squatting With The New Rackable Cambered Squat Bar ! (with videos)
Squatting With The New Rackable Cambered Squat Bar ! (with videos)
If you have never tried one of these bars you better put it on your "To Do List" ! Even with a broken toe I managed a light training session, what is your excuse ?
Video: SS Yoke Bar Box Squats 3x3
Video: SS Yoke Bar Box Squats 3x3
Prepare. Perform. Prevail.
PLE2 recap (lots of pics!)
PLE2 recap (lots of pics!)
PLE2 Experience recap By now, you have probably already heard about how great the powerlifting experience 2 (PLE2) was last weekend. I had been so excited leading up to the event that I worked 6 straight 12 hour days to ensure I would have most of Saturday off to see my awesome teammate, friends and […]
Weekend Training July 5th
Weekend Training July 5th
As for training we actually arrived to the gym on time today.
It's time to kick things up a notch
Losing weight with Derek Weida: Funny stuff!
Losing weight with Derek Weida: Funny stuff!
A meat, a carb, and if you give a shit a fruit or vegetable
Bench day
Bench day
Fast is good.
How to Annoy Your Dogs 101
Dogs are weights, right?
Powerlifting Experience 2 - Part 1!
Powerlifting Experience 2 - Part 1!
These guys did awesome, and I’m proud to have been there to help with their progress.
Incline, Rows & More
Incline, Rows & More
I haven't had the time to train like I'd like lately, but still putting in quality work..

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