TRAINING MARCH 7-12th 2022
March 7th Safety bar squats. 3x8. Bar. Tough aka terrible. Had to stop after every rep to assure breathing and heart was ok. Step-Ups. 3x5 each Leg. BW DB RDL. 3x8. 20lbs all sets FRONT PLANK. 2sets @20sec Echo Bike. 6min. 1.50mile. Was exhausted from the lift. Did what I could. Plan on doing a lot of steps today. March 8th […]
March 1st FreeMotion chest press 3x10. Plate 6 FreeMotion Row 3x10. Plate 6 FreeMotion Shoulder 3x10. Plate 6 White curl machine. 3x12 1 plate Want to walk later. Struggling to get this light lift in this morn. Felt warm like a temp but was 97.0 this morn. Feel crappy March 2nd Leg extension 3x8. Plate 7 Leg […]
Feb 21 Leg extension 3x10 4 plates 1min rest Leg curls 3x10 5plates 1min rest Abduction/aduction 3x10 w\3plates (add weight next time) Walked 1.6 treadmill 6min Cold brew February 22 Treadmill 2.0 6min walk Upper body 5lbs each hand 20 lat raise 20 front raise 20 curls 20 shrugs 20 mil press Cold brew Feb […]
TRAINING FEB 7th-FEB 12th 2022
FEB 7th Mon Safety bar squats. 2x12. Bar Step-Ups. 2x6each Leg. BW, BW DB RDL. 2x12. 30lbs FRONT PLANK. 2sets. 30sec/30sec Echo Bike. 6min. 1.65mile Feb 8th Jacob’s ladder. 6min total time. Quad pump city!!!! Did 2min, 1,1,1,1. Legs are fried. BB bench press. 2x12 Bar DB low row. 3x12 20lb BB curls 2x12. 45lb Neck Machine/Band Pull aparts […]
January 17th-25th
Monday Safety bar squats. 2x12. Bar, 115lbs Step-Ups. 2x6each Leg. BW, BW DB RDL. 2x12. 30lbs, 35lbs FRONT PLANK. 2sets. 30sec/30sec Echo Bike. 6min. 1.65mile Tuesday Jacob’s ladder. 6min total time. Quad pump city!!!! Did 2min, 1,1,1,1. Legs are fried. BB bench press. 55lb x12, 105x12 RPE 4/5 DB low row. 30x12, 40x12. RPE 5/6 BB curls 2x12. 45lb bar […]
Training January 10-14th
Jan 10th Monday Treadmill 6min total. 4.5min 2.5, 3MPH 1.5min Leg extension 3x8. plate 6/7/8 Leg Curls 3x8. Plate 6/7/7 Adduction/Abduction 3x8 5/6/6, 6/6/6 Calf machine 3x10 (no weight) Cold brew. In a lot of pain so didn’t time. January 11th Tues Treadmill 6min 2.8 for 6min. Had a pretty bad side stitch/rib pain. FreeMotion Chest press 3x10 […]