Passing The Baton: Simply Say, "Thank You."
I asked her that if she was so competitive that in her mind all she wanted to do was crush her competition , tear them in two, win with authority and scream, “What now???” She laughed and asked how I knew. Oh, I know.
Video: Overhead Press Wk 2, Incline Bench & Back Accessories.
So bad at overhead presses it hurts my eyes to watch lol.
Q&A Highlights: Mental Plateau on Squat, Drug-Free Program Design, &...
You Ask, Team EliteFTS Answers.
Week 8 Day 2 - Off Season Training - Box Squats with VIDEO....
Baby steps are starting to become full steps....
Road to Nationals: 16 Weeks Out...[Training Highlights-- VIDEO]
Training Highlights, and start of a New Cycle!