Eccentric Block Week 2 Max effort training session catch ups
Eccentric Block Week 2 Max effort Catch Up
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day with a small change by taking away the bands and upping the percentage. Oh, and I got a new puppy. Meet Odi the English Mastiff. That makes two mastiffs and when it's all said and done my dogs will outweigh me, even if I hit the 308's.
Squat test week
Worked up to 92% (745) for a single to set my training up for the RPS Boardwalk Brawl in late August.
Updated log - Box squats
Deload - the days you need to give your body a break but an opportunity to work on technique. Nothing wrong with going back to the basics.
Metabolic Madness With A Twist Of Kettlebells (w/video's)
Want to kick start your morning ? Get your motor running and burn fat all day ? Try some of these Kettlebell moves !
Bench day
Rest Pause should really be called Start, stop, dread starting again, start, stop repeat....
Thursday May 7, 2015
One thing I have changed is how I have been warming up. I’ve really reduced the number of reps and have made larger jumps in weight as I warm up.
Picking Things Up and Putting Them Down
Sometimes my activities of daily living are more than sufficient to give me a training effect for strongman
Every Muscle Group Day, 2 Weeks Out !
Keeping it light, getting a good pump is all that was required today, seems easy enough right ?
Team Nebobarbell - Sgt. Brandon Lewis - SPF Ironman Classic with Pics an...
Thank you for your friendship and your service my friend....