Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day with a small change by taking away the bands and upping the percentage. Oh, and I got a new puppy. Meet Odi the English Mastiff. That makes two mastiffs and when it's all said and done my dogs will outweigh me, even if I hit the 308's.
Squat test week
Squat test week
Worked up to 92% (745) for a single to set my training up for the RPS Boardwalk Brawl in late August.
Updated log - Box squats
Updated log - Box squats
Deload - the days you need to give your body a break but an opportunity to work on technique. Nothing wrong with going back to the basics.
Metabolic Madness With A Twist Of Kettlebells (w/video's)
Metabolic Madness With A Twist Of Kettlebells (w/video's)
Want to kick start your morning ? Get your motor running and burn fat all day ? Try some of these Kettlebell moves !
May 28th - SSB box squats
May 28th - SSB box squats
To say this was not a great day lifting, is an understatement. 
Bench Rep PR
Bench Rep PR
First heavy bench day back home.
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
Meadows programmed back workout!
Bench day
Bench day
Rest Pause should really be called Start, stop, dread starting again, start, stop repeat....
Saturday May 10, 2015
Saturday May 10, 2015
I’m glad it’s not deadlift day.
Thursday May 7, 2015
Thursday May 7, 2015
One thing I have changed is how I have been warming up. I’ve really reduced the number of reps and have made larger jumps in weight as I warm up.
It was an orange-tinged squat and deadlift fiesta today in my METAL Jack gear
Snatch/Speed Work
Snatch/Speed Work
Starting up my short contest prep block with working on moving faster
Picking Things Up and Putting Them Down
Picking Things Up and Putting Them Down
Sometimes my activities of daily living are more than sufficient to give me a training effect for strongman
Every Muscle Group Day, 2 Weeks Out !
Every Muscle Group Day, 2 Weeks Out !
Keeping it light, getting a good pump is all that was required today, seems easy enough right ?
Primary Chest & Shoulders
Primary Chest & Shoulders
Massive chest and shoulder pump with Meadows inspired workout!
Team Nebobarbell - Sgt. Brandon Lewis - SPF Ironman Classic with Pics and VIDEO....
Team Nebobarbell - Sgt. Brandon Lewis - SPF Ironman Classic with Pics an...
Thank you for your friendship and your service my friend....

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