Week 5 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Deadlift....
Week 5 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Deadlift....
Left arm did well again this week....
Week 2 Lower Body Accessory Day w/ GHR Ladders, Patrick Willis Motivational Video
Week 2 Lower Body Accessory Day w/ GHR Ladders, Patrick Willis Motivatio...
"Power isn't just about going forward, it's about not letting anything hold you back"
Your fearless narrator was enticed all day long
Block Pulls with Signs of Progress!
Block Pulls with Signs of Progress!
And to top it off, I was having a good beard day
Recovery work
Recovery work
My feet hurt.
Logging Log x1
Logging Log x1
In real life, those are usually the kids who get beat up regularly at recess. To borrow a line from Skip, "Just sayin'."
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
This is what happens when I forget my John Meadow workout plan at home!
Pressing For Paige: Cancer Benefit
Pressing For Paige: Cancer Benefit
Help us lift the burden for one day.
Final Volume Day, PowerDog Back (w/ VIDEO)
Final Volume Day, PowerDog Back (w/ VIDEO)
Volume Training; Wk 2, Day 4 - 5.21.15
Squat / Pull day
Squat / Pull day
Feeling good.
Tuesday May 5, 2015
Tuesday May 5, 2015
Headed out to the compound today for some lower body work.
A week's Update
A week's Update
I can't believe it's only been a week since I posted. It feels like I haven't been on here in a month!
Back to training at home; Deadlifts
Back to training at home; Deadlifts
First day back to training at home and first day pulling from the floor since my competition in April
More PowerDog Chest and Shoulders (w/ VIDEO)
More PowerDog Chest and Shoulders (w/ VIDEO)
Volume Training; Wk 2, Day 3 - 5.20.15
Sumo deadlifts
Sumo deadlifts
I often get the question which one is better: sumo or conventional? The answer is it's the preference of the lifter and what they want to accomplish
Return to the Log...
Return to the Log...
New Job, New Schedule, Same Gains
TUESDAY May 26th
TUESDAY May 26th
Trying to maintain.
MAY 25 & the 26th
MAY 25 & the 26th
Great session with the powerlifting crew on Memorial Day

Items 12241 to 12260 of 13402 total