Week 1 - lower blood flow
Week 1 - lower blood flow
Week 1 - just getting the blood flowing. RPS meet is this weekend.
Speed pulls
Speed pulls
I feel like I'm getting a little better at pulling faster off the floor, and not trying to 'ease" the bar off the floor.
Kettlebell Sport Training & Metabolic Conditioning (w/video's)
Kettlebell Sport Training & Metabolic Conditioning (w/video's)
4.5 Weeks out from competition these ladies cranked up the bell sizes tonight, chalk flying, sweat dripping, thousands of reps performed, the Outlaws will be ready for The Niagara Comp !
It's good to know 500 is still EASY
Shirt work
Shirt work
I figured that working up twice in the shirt was all the extra work my triceps needed
Monday Bench test
Monday Bench test
Great bench day! Tested my 3RM and hit a 10# PR for a fourth rep. I'm still using most of Matt Wenning's training style for my bench and it's paying off.
Bench Brawls, Getting Tighter at the S4 Compound Elitefts !
Bench Brawls, Getting Tighter at the S4 Compound Elitefts !
You know when you think you are staying tight benching and then the Pro's tell you to get tight ? You damn well get tighter and watch what happens!
Live, Learning & Passing On Teaching Kettlebells to Mrs. Elitefts
Live, Learning & Passing On Teaching Kettlebells to Mrs. Elitefts
An opportunity to teach Mrs. Elitefts (Traci Tate) Kettlebells was probably one of the most gratifying and honoured experiences I will ever have !
Max Lower Openers Training at the Elitefts S4 Compound ! (w/video's)
Max Lower Openers Training at the Elitefts S4 Compound ! (w/video's)
Getting help on your technique is one of the most valuable things you can do. The weekend trip to Ohio will prove that for me in 3 weeks when I hit my 1,000 Lb total. Elitefts is amazing !
Sunday Deadlift deload
Sunday Deadlift deload
Reverse Hypers and GHR's
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day- went with 5x5 instead of 8x3l
Wednesday Squats
Wednesday Squats
Worked up to 555x3 with 190# resistance (745# at the top)
PowerDog Legs and a Little Brief Fun (w/ VIDEO)
PowerDog Legs and a Little Brief Fun (w/ VIDEO)
Volume Training; Wk 2, Day 2 - 5.19.15

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