Week 5 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Bench - Press....
Protecting this shoulder is getting harder....
Kettlebell Sport Training 6 Weeks Out ! (w/video's)
Outlaws were at it again even on a long weekend, we have no excuses here !
What If? Thanks, Clint. Double Plate Flip *vid*
The moral of the story is the next time you're presented with a challenge or obstacle, stop and ask yourself, "What if?" What if you COULD do it? What if your own mind and expectations are stopping you from even trying?
Sunday May 03, 2015
I’ve been feeling pretty good and my weight has been on a steady increase. At this point I’m pretty sure I’m just going to walk in for my next meet in the 242 class.
Buffalo Bar Benching
Having never done it, I stayed a bit conservative with the weights, but was happy with how I ended up.
Strongman Saturday
Short(er) event training today since I'm finishing up my current training block next week, but happy with where I am right now
Week 2 / Day 1 - Squat Deload with Video
Week 2 training for RPS Redemption - Squat deload with video
Events/Slight Detour
This was the culprit and I will blame it all on Clint Darden. Once I have an opportunity to review the vids I have on a bigger screen, I will write a post specifically about this adventure.