Form recontruction! Video
Light lower exercises prove to me that my form has taken a huge hit due to my imbalances. Time to work on them. session: wall squats belt squats: slow and controlled back attack: focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes abs oblique bends
Awesome Bench session! Video
Pin Presses Sets: 185-225-275-295-315 Light assistance work: lat pulldowns Db flat presses tricep extensions lateral raises machine shoulder press
Full Event Day
I made some tweaks with my form am optimistic things will fall back in line completely.
Catching up for the week
Usually I start log post with a similar title with an excuse why I didn't train for the last week. This is not one of those posts.
SSB Speed Work and Breaking in the NEW Elitefts Monolift (w/ VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 3 - 4.28.15
I was surprised with my max effort work. It's been a while since I have done singles.
Video: Last Squat/Deadlift before Competition
"Growth only comes through continuous effort and struggle.."
Assistance day
I slipped in pee the other day in a public bathroom and thought I blew my back out catching my self. It's cool. I didn't.
Lower assistance Video.
Paying close attention to where the tension is being distributed between each leg making them fire as one.
Max Lower 6 Weeks Out! (w/video's)
Back in the groove, 316 Lb box squats felt great, could have gone heavier today but not chancing it without spotters, training strong and smart !
Deadlift Clinic, Live, Learn, Pass On !
3rd and final workshop of a series of Squat, Bench and Deadlift went over well, huge P.R.'s, new Powerlifting friends and competitors in the making !