Form recontruction! Video
Form recontruction! Video
Light lower exercises prove to me that my form has taken a huge hit due to my imbalances. Time to work on them. session: wall squats belt squats: slow and controlled back attack: focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes abs oblique bends
Awesome Bench session! Video
Awesome Bench session! Video
Pin Presses Sets: 185-225-275-295-315   Light assistance work: lat pulldowns Db flat presses tricep extensions lateral raises machine shoulder press  
Strongman Saturday
Strongman Saturday
I sucked, but at least my training partners did pretty not bad
Full Event Day
Full Event Day
I made some tweaks with my form am optimistic things will fall back in line completely.
Catching up for the week
Catching up for the week
Usually I start log post with a similar title with an excuse why I didn't train for the last week. This is not one of those posts.
Benching off boards
Benching off boards
The 675 to the board felt nice and strong throughout the lift.  
SSB Speed Work and Breaking in the NEW Elitefts Monolift (w/ VIDEO)
SSB Speed Work and Breaking in the NEW Elitefts Monolift (w/ VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 3 - 4.28.15
I was surprised with my max effort work. It's been a while since I have done singles.
Video: Last Squat/Deadlift before Competition
Video: Last Squat/Deadlift before Competition
"Growth only comes through continuous effort and struggle.."
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat Training with Video
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat Training with Video
Week 4 squat training for RPS Redemption with video
Assistance day
Assistance day
I slipped in pee the other day in a public bathroom and thought I blew my back out catching my self. It's cool. I didn't.
Lower assistance Video.
Lower assistance Video.
Paying close attention to where the tension is being distributed between each leg making them fire as one.
Max Lower 6 Weeks Out!  (w/video's)
Max Lower 6 Weeks Out! (w/video's)
Back in the groove, 316 Lb box squats felt great, could have gone heavier today but not chancing it without spotters, training strong and smart !
Deadlift Clinic, Live, Learn, Pass On !
Deadlift Clinic, Live, Learn, Pass On !
3rd and final workshop of a series of Squat, Bench and Deadlift went over well, huge P.R.'s, new Powerlifting friends and competitors in the making !
Les Brown
Les Brown
When it begins to happen they stop laughing
week 5 / Day 3 - Bench Training with Video
week 5 / Day 3 - Bench Training with Video
Week 5 bench training for RPS Redemption with Video

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