Sunday April 26th - Crappy Bench Day
Everyone everywhere has been sick the last couple weeks. I have managed to stay away from the brutal vomiting/diarrhea part,
It's the first day of the rest of my training career life.
APRIL 20th-24th (Test week after 6weeks of high volume)
I am ready to get heavy weights rolling again. Should be a good upcoming meet prep.
Semester-in-Review: Akron Barbell Club Programming
Hard Work + Technique Improvements + Consistency = Over 600lbs worth of PRs!
Team Nebobarbell - Jonathan Mathes - SPF Ironman Classic with Pics and V...
Super proud of this young man....
I have been keeping busy with the little stuff, but have not really been motivated. I have been slacking with training intensely and posting regularly. It's time to get back on track.
A Smorgasbord Of Training
I had a brilliant idea to load the farmers using 100 lb plates which worked super well. Things went south when it was time to put everything away.
Quick Picks for the Week 4/19/15
Talk about a well rounded week of content. Science, Training, Strength and Conditioning, Weaknesses, and MORE.