"Deload" week from Strongman
"Deload" week from Strongman
Re-cap of last weeks training
6 Years Post Spinal Decompression Surgery, Strong(her) Than Ever!
6 Years Post Spinal Decompression Surgery, Strong(her) Than Ever!
6 Years ago I underwent major back surgery. I was not going to let a few rods and bolts in my back hold me back, I wanted to become pro-active and resilient and that is what I did.
Biceps & Triceps
Biceps & Triceps
Sunday arm workout!
Speed Bench, Board Work, Upper Assistance (w/ VIDEO)
Speed Bench, Board Work, Upper Assistance (w/ VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 4 - 4.16.15
Week 6 / Day 1 - Squat Training with Video
Week 6 / Day 1 - Squat Training with Video
Week 6 / Day 1 - Squat Training for RPS Redemption with Video
Quick Picks for the Week 4/12/15
Quick Picks for the Week 4/12/15
Lots of watching and listening, if you aren't a fan of reading.
Video: Heavy 2-Board Bench in Metal Ace
Video: Heavy 2-Board Bench in Metal Ace
Working on staying in the groove better. Less than 3 weeks out!
Last Kettlebell Sport Training Before Competition ! (w/video's)
Last Kettlebell Sport Training Before Competition ! (w/video's)
Tonight was the last heavy sport training before Sat's competition, I believe in Rest, Recovery and fresh hands, a 10 min set is no joke, bring on the platforms, team Outlaws are ready !
Some more catch-up, benching and squatting
Some more catch-up, benching and squatting
I'm looking forward to getting back on a meet platform sometime this summer!
Objective: Lose a plate
Objective: Lose a plate
I am a typical fat powerlifter.
Snatch/Upper Assistance
Snatch/Upper Assistance
Good snatching and needing a throat punch - in the grundle - with some rebar
Video: Floor Presses in Metal Catapult
Video: Floor Presses in Metal Catapult
Different Variation of Floor Press, 3 Weeks Out..
Back From The Dead
Back From The Dead
Finally back to logging - don't hurt me!
Strongman Saturday with Video
Strongman Saturday with Video
If you were to tell me that my work capacity is akin to that of a newborn baby who has yet to become ambulatory, I'd say you were right - but I still had tons of fun pushing myself to get better
Lower Speed Work, and A Tragic Loss (w/ VIDEO)
Lower Speed Work, and A Tragic Loss (w/ VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 3 - 4.14.15
Caution Strongman or Strong(her)
Caution Strongman or Strong(her)
This last minute competition was a surprise; performed better than expected in certain events and got exactly what I wanted out of it -- experience and lessons learned
Last week of raw/volume work. Heading into heavy and gear these next weeks.

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